The Cultural Isolation of a Child’s Mind

I submit that denying children the opportunity to expand their cosmological view through sensory development is tantamount to child abuse. Parents are personally responsible for the cultural development of their children. But when it comes to black children, in no few instances, the idea of cultural experience(s) are single parent households, abortion, sloppy stereotypical dress, nearly none existent social and linguistic skills. Cultural adaptation is painting murals of Tupac and Martin Luther King on the walls of a dilapidated building.
White cultural-Leninists engage in a perverse form of behavior modification intended to ensure blacks remain filled with animus and envy. This is accomplished by veiled subliminal messages of inferiority and adherence to depraved commonality.
Arrogant white cultural-Leninists cast themselves as pandits who alone know what is best for black children. It is the white cultural-Leninists that argue for skin-color diversity on campuses throughout the country, but skin-color diversity doesn’t change the facts in my opening paragraph.
It is my conclusion that unless we expand the cosmological worldview of urban and rural black children, the only mentality they will continue to embrace is that of inner city associative self-limited myopathy.
I am dismayed by the palpable parental exclusion of black children whose imaginations are stunted by cultural isolation.
Sunday evening my wife and I, together a close friend and his family went to see a performance of the Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker Ballet. The performance was a marvelously entertaining experience that stimulated all of the senses save olfactory and touch.
The expressions of wonderment were not limited to the faces of the many children in attendance. But as I surveyed the theater from our front row balcony seats, I felt a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was caused by the neglect of black families who did not grasp the benefit that comes from children experiencing such things.
I saw two black young black children. Neither of them were probably more than seven or eight years old. They were with their mother, father, and grandparents and their sister who was about the same age. They were seated two rows behind us so during intermission I had the opportunity to observe their interaction. The parents and grandparents of the little boys were white and while it was clear that the children had been adopted, the familial love and bond between the entire family could not be overstated.
I saw a black family, also comprised of grandparents. But I saw no male in the six-person group except for the gentleman who appeared to be the grandfather. My wife and friend and I actually commented to one another as to how angry and ill at ease the family collectively looked. I saw only three other blacks in packed to capacity theater.
Now to be clear, I didn’t see any Hispanics there either and yes I know there were a lot of whites that were not interested in being there. But that isn’t my point is it? My point is that black children as a demographic are denied these experiences in far greater numbers based upon percentages than any other group.
On February 10, 2004, I wrote: “It’s not a lack of money, books, smaller class sizes, highly paid teachers, air-conditioned classrooms, science labs, computers or the latest academic bells and whistles [stunting black classroom achievement] – it is parental failure, the inclusion of negative cultural ideologies to the exclusion of sound biblical truths, the lack of discipline and the unwavering acceptance of failure as being the fault of someone else.” (See: In this Case, It’s The Parents’ Fault)
I continued that no matter the excuse, reason or paradigm used, “Black underperformance in school is caused – foremost – by poor parenting. … Poverty does not explain observed [education] gaps…Young black children are exposed to much lower levels of cognitive and emotional stimulation than white children, even in families with comparable income, education and IQ. [Black children] watch more TV, read fewer books and converse and go on educational outings with their families less often.” (See: Home Alone by James J. Heckman and Amy Wax; Wall Street Journal, 1/23/2004)
Heckman and Wax continued with the following damning assessment: These disparities lead to big gaps by age three or four (the earliest age at which they can be measured reliably). Programs such as Head Start and Title 1 can offset these deficiencies somewhat, but most improvements are ephemeral. Some elementary school programs can alleviate behaviors that impede school and job success, but results are erratic and difficult to replicate. Like it or not, the most important mental and behavioral patterns, once established, are difficult to change once children enter school. And programs for deprived children do not address underachievement among the children of the middle class, who are most likely to go to college.
Because governments have little control over how people behave within families, reform must look to private behavior more than public policy. Mothers and fathers, and not their surrogates, are in the best position to alter the parenting behavior that affects the child’s environment and development. There is no substitute for cultural change and behavioral reform within the black community itself. Parents, and the communities to which they belong, must acknowledge that they have a lot of catching up to do, and accept that only they can do it. They must take a hard look at how children are raised, especially in the early years, and ask how parenting practices can be improved. This strategy offers the only hope for substantial and enduring change.
There was also the following experience that I wrote about in 2015: “Tragically little has changed since I wrote the above paragraph 11-years ago, which brings me to an experience I had this past weekend. My wife and I, along with friends, spent Saturday at the “Grounds For Sculpture: Sculpture Garden” in Hamilton, New Jersey. There were stunning indoor displays and designs, and the outdoors boasted nearly 300 of the most incredible and in many instances lifelike sculptures I have ever seen. Words fail to describe the spectacular majesty and placement of the sculptures and the use of plants, bamboo forests and flora, all of which were bursting with color and contrast.” (See: It’s Not a Lack of Black Teachers – It’s Disinterested Black Parents; 11/12/2015)
Tickets for the Moscow Ballet Nutcracker performance were not cost prohibitive. The front row balcony seats that we enjoyed where among the best seats in the theater and priced accordingly. But the individual ticket price, our seats included, was nominal compared to cost of a pair of Jordan sneakers, a name-brand warm-up suit, sunglasses or even an off-brand athletic shoe.
There is yet another important component to art, classical dance, ballet etc. That component is propriety. You do not read about the violent untoward behavior, drive-by shootings, gang colors, and gang hand signals etc. associated with performers in a ballet company. Art, ballet, sculptor, etc. are not endeavors where you hit a ball, make shot or score a touchdown and you have family and coaches blowing smoke in your ears telling you how great you are. In the arts one must legitimately work to succeed or to even excel.
There is a huge world right outside the front door for children to explore with their families, but it takes a family to realize same; it takes a family to realize the importance of expanding the minds of children in directions other than punt, pass, shoot and hit.
The point I am making is obviously not true of all homes, but the statistics I shared above do not lie nor do they exaggerate. I point them out because lost in the neo-Leninist commitment to dehumanize blacks, is the fact that these self-professed encomiastic purveyors of attitudes they promote have an uninterrupted history of failure and immiseration.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here