The Politico-Hollywood #MeToo-ers Have No Credibility

The politico-Hollywood #MeToo’ers have no credibility and are worthy only of scorn. The entire cabal in my opinion is nothing more than duplicitous, attention-seeking opportunists interested in how same will benefit them. I’m not being harsh, I’m being unapologetically truthful; something that thanks to political correctness is always absent when it comes to the neo-Leninists, the radical feminist cultural-zealots, and the pusillanimous necrophagous magpies in the media who feed on the decaying remains of truth.
Which brings me to the events of these past couple weeks.
Actor and comedian Bill Cosby received a three to ten years prison sentence after being found guilty of sexually assaulting a woman at his Philadelphia home, with scores more having accused him of same. At his sentencing a Pennsylvania state psychologist said Cosby should be classified as a “sexually violent predator.” The prosecution psychologist asserted that Cosby had an uncontrollable urge to violate women and that the now legally blind, barely ambulatory, 81-year old actor “posed a continued threat.”
Cosby has become the first celebrity convicted and sentenced for a sex crime since the inception of #Metoo mania. That Christine Ford’s unfounded sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court of United States, have been met with unbelief and rejection by a reasonable-minded public, only marginally decreased the explosion of gayety over Cosby getting what he deserved – according to the rabid radical feminists.
Where was this level of concern by these rabid zealots when Juanita Broaddrick was beaten and sexually molested by Bill Clinton? Why didn’t Diane Feinstein, D-CA, and her Erebusic hordes demand investigations, ad nauseum for Ms. Broaddrick?
Their repulsive duplicity is morally opprobrious but not out of character for them. Hillary Clinton called Paula Jones, trailer trash when she exposed Clinton as a sexual deviant and serial molester.
These protectors of women’s anatomy against the receipt of unwanted attention by male sexual predators remain silent regarding Kathleen Willey, whom Bill Clinton sexually groped and forced her to handle his genitals in the Oval Office?
Where is this degenerate cabal of #MeToo’ers regarding: Connie Hamzy, who said Bill Clinton propositioned her while she was sunbathing at a Little Rock hotel pool. Eileen Wellstone said Clinton sexually assaulted her after meeting her at a pub near Oxford University. Sandra Allen James, a former D.C. political fund-raiser said Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a 1991 campaign trip, and pinned her against the wall and shoved his hand under her dress. Christy Zercher, an airline flight attendant on Clinton’s campaign plane in 1992, said he exposed himself and grabbed her breasts. A 22 year-old Yale student told campus police that Clinton sexually assaulted her. A University of Arkansas female student complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton attempted to restrain her from leaving his office after he had groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. When the student complained to her faculty advisor, Clinton claimed the student “came on” to him. What about Monica Lewinsky who Clinton used for his sexual pleasure – who was smeared by team Hillary and the media as a “crazed stalker.” Of course that doesn’t explain how she was able to circumvent the Secret Service and make her way to the private hallway in the Oval Office and sexually pleasure Clinton. Gennifer Flowers suffered remorseless character assassination after her 12-year affair with Clinton. There is also Elizabeth (Ward) Gracen, Dolly Kyle Browning, Sally Perdue, Lencola Sullivan, Elizabeth Ward, Susie Whitacre and Bobbie Ann Williams. (See: Rap Sheet: The Women Who Claim To Be Victims of Bill and Hillary Clinton; John Nolte; 12/31/2015)
Christine Ford’s sexual harassment allegations are a Kafkaesque politically motivated attack. Lady Godiva riding naked through the streets of Coventry concealed more than Ford offered as fact(s) for her scurrilous accusations. But that didn’t prevent Kamala Harris, D-CA, the champion defender of #MeToo’ers, from announcing that she found Ford’s tales to be “entirely credible.”
However, Harris became agnostic if not outright atheistic when it came to the unimpeachable documentation of the two women accusing the “golden boy” of the Democrat party. Two women have accused congressman and current candidate for Minnesota State Attorney General, Keith Ellison, of physical abuse and emotional abuse.
Karen Monahan released medical records of the abuse she suffered at the hands of Ellison and her son who also witnessed the abuse has gone public. Amy Alexander released police emergency-call documents reporting physical abuse by Ellison. (See: Medical Records Document Keith Ellison’s Physical and Emotional Abuse of Female Accuser; Laura Loomer; 9/19/2018)
Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY, has waged a full assault on Judge Kavanaugh, as if he should walk away because an emotionally unstable woman with an appetite for political theater invented an unsubstantiated fabricated fantasy.
Gillibrand feigns righteous indignation regarding Judge Kavanaugh, but she suffered no such indignation when she successfully begged serial molester/rapist and batterer Bill Clinton to campaign with her for election.
In the face of what I have pointed out and countless more instances of their duplicitous double standards, I submit my opening paragraph wasn’t worded strongly enough.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here