The Reason ‘Joy-less’ Reid Supports Killing Negro Children

Joy Reid, who is more appropriately referred to as “Joy-less Reid” did her darnedest to convince We the People that Biden was sound of mind and that President Trump, according to her exhaustive examination and her indefatigable powers of reasoning had not been shot. According to her the alleged President Trump shooting was all an act to secure the Republican presidential nomination.
If the network for which she spreads her lies and foments her hatred had any decency they would employ her to sell the truth, not sell her soul fabricating lies.
It is my opinion that “Joy-less” Reid is talentless. Spreading lies doesn’t take talent, it takes the abandonment of morals.
Don’t be deceived, it isn’t the academic challenge to go to Harvard for Reid’s kind of people as it can be for others. She is angry, she’s an African wannabe American and supposedly a woman (albeit not even Ketanji Brown Jackson knows exactly what a woman is), she’s envious and bitter. In brief she’s a hater. I suspect her anger stems from the fact that she realizes she’s a fraud. She comes packaged in all of the requisite socio-cultural crapola, but in her heart she knows everything about her is a lie. She has no self. She has lies and the continued telling of same.
Typical of her kind, she would rather wallow in wretchedness and commonality than behave decently. But then why not, she sows disharmony and antipathy for a living. Her greatest gift is a platform, which pays her to spread immiseration and engage in menticide with the crude delusional hate-filled claims she is paid to make. And most of all; to be tolerated and given a platform, as a Negro woman, she must support the uninterrupted extermination of Negro children.
The Obama woman exhibits the exact same qualities. She has been gifted every advantage in her life. From Princeton to Harvard to Sidley Austin to the White House on to Martha’s Vineyard and what Tucker Carlson calls the whitest zip code in America. Tens of millions of dollars in the bank and at least a hundred million dollars in real estate and all the woman can do is complain about how bad she has it and how unfair evil white people are treating her. But, you will never, ever hear her condemn the murder of children who look like her own.
There is Whoopi Goldberg, a Jabba the Hutt looking creature, who when not claiming to have used a coat hanger to give herself an abortion, she’s seen on another hate dispensing program for people with empty heads and even less ambition, called The View.
For all of the publicist generated attention they garner, they’d be unknown if not for their hatred and support for killing children. Although Goldberg won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, the MeToo revelations redefine skillset; it’s abortion that has promoted her to leftwing anti-American cultural-Marxism prominence.
Now “Joy-less” is deliriously celebrating the idea of a Cackling Kamala Harris presidency. Reid like Cackling Kamala has made a fortune invoking the lie of racism where none exists.
“Joy-less” et al will argue that Cackling Harris was a prosecutor and the first crayon color woman to be vice president. But, having a vagina, being a crayon color and occupying a position for which one is eminently unqualified, doesn’t mean a thing. The Cackler dropped out in 2019 two months before the Iowa Caucuses were held for the 2020 campaign, which were the first primary contests.
Having a record of quick exits in elections means nothing. What matters according to the former make-believe Indian, Liz Warren (D-Mass.), Harris will be a great president because she’s the only vice-president to ever visit an abortion clinic and she’s left of Biden politically.
This is what I fail to understand. Women like “Joy-less”, Whoopi and the Obama woman, claim that so-called white males deprive crayon-colored people. They claim crayon-colored people are subjected to diminished representation in every field of endeavor
Yet somehow, they fail to acknowledge the devastating toll abortion is having upon their kind. If they cared about their supposed people, reasonable minds would think they’d fight to keep more of their kind alive, instead of systematically exterminating their children and promoting sexual deviance and transgenderism in their homes. All of which are specifically designed to eliminate traditional marriage and decrease the overall birth rate.
I find it inexplicable that those like “Joy-less”, the Obama woman and Goldberg et al could so enthusiastically support candidates sworn to exterminate their kind. Blacks can point to women of other population groups having abortions, but that is just defecting the truth that at current rates of abortion, the so-called black population will be low single digits by 2050.
Now factor in that Biden as a congressman and Harris as a prosecutor imprisoned more young men of color than killed in combat from the Korean conflict until the Afghanistan war.
Yet, these harridans, especially “Joy-less” Reid reap massive salaries by preaching hatred. I submit that George Soros is no more a traitor to his Jewish family and ancestors, than the women I reference herein are to their so-called own people.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here