The Savaging of Janice Rogers Brown

Please note that the following was my nationally syndicated op-ed from October 17, 2005. I wrote this eight days before I appeared at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. with a group of leaders from five other national organizations to advocate for Judge John Roberts, President Bush’s nominee for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).
I am sharing this to show those who are unfamiliar with the battle that was waged by many of the very same neo-Leninist calumniators and malevolent obstructionists trying to sabotage Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s advancement to the SCOTUS.
Te battle against Judge Kavanaugh is not based on his lack of qualifications, it is based upon his adherence to the Constitution. Thus was the case with Judge John Roberts and Justice Janet Rogers Brown. We prevailed in advancing Judge Roberts to Chief Justice of SCOTUS and I am very proud to say we prevailed in advancing Justice Brown to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. She retired from the federal bench on August 31, 2017.
You will note that Justice Brown was savaged because she dared to uphold the Constitution and even more egregious in the eyes and minds of her detractors, she dared to uphold the will of the people based upon the passage of a referendum in the election.
I repost this to show you yet another reminder that Democrats are interested only in obstruction and deconstruction of the Constitution. And there is no level they will not sink in their attempt to accomplish same.
Janice Rogers Brown is an eminently qualified jurist being unfairly and unjustly savaged by blacks (and liberal Democrats) for no defensible reason.
While traveling into Washington, D.C., recently, I heard a black radio station program host gleefully agreeing with her guest as they viciously denigrated the judicial nominee.
The gist of the two harridans’ complaint was Brown didn’t “represent all of the people. She only represented those people who were cashing in” by what amounted to selling out. Of course, all of their hardly subtle innuendo was directed at blacks who supported Brown and blacks who did not.
This is the same show host, who having invited Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson and myself on her show, and being unable to successfully debate us on the issues, proceeded along with her callers to hurl calumnious insults at us after we had left the show. But I digress.
What escaped the host, her guests and the audience is that Brown is not about representing exclusively black people. Truth be told, Brown is to represent the Constitution – lawyers represent the people.
The sheer absurdity of their position is anathema to me. Exactly how do they expect Brown to exclusively represent them? By overruling a jury and finding for a guilty person? By ignoring the will of the voters, evidence or existing laws to rule exclusively in favor of blacks? Can they explain in language we can understand, exactly what, pray tell, they mean when accusing Brown of not representing blacks?
If Brown upholds the Constitution, how can she not uphold the rights and interests of all the people? Or perhaps they are saying, “There are Americans and then there are us.”
Exactly what more do they want than is already provided for the unindustrious and available for the industrious? As I have written before – every person in America (including the illegal ones, with or without anchor babies) has the same rights. They have the right to free schools – many of which now provide day care as a reward incentive for those children who are sexually irresponsible. They have access to the jobs and careers for which they are qualified and best suited, including shooting, stealing and selling drugs.
I have repeatedly asked the question: “Tell me one thing a white person – or, in this case, Janice Rogers Brown – is doing to hold you back.” They either have no answer or raise some anecdotal civil-rights issue. Of course, they ignore, overlook or haven’t heard that “Grutter vs. Bollinger” took place under the administration they love to hate.
Americans like Brown are not the enemy of the black community and neither are white people. Neither Brown nor white people spend their waking hours scheming how to harm or steal from blacks. Crime statistics show it is their black neighbors or the hoodlum gangs on the corners who are doing that.
But even here, this show host and her guests were in denial. They posited that gangs – while they did “do some things wrong” – were “mostly just a group of children bonding together to protect themselves” from the evil tyranny of the government and system that “doesn’t care” about them. They were children who “have been denied hope and opportunity.” And all this time I thought it was because they were amoral, animalistic, cold-blooded crack dealers and murderers teetering on the brink of having no redemptive qualities whatsoever. Was I wrong?
They blamed the government for these teenage black urban jihadists terrorizing neighborhoods: “If they could get jobs and an education, they would change.” Here again, I was wrong – I thought they were living in America, not Liberia.
The fact is people like the show host and her guests may live in Fantasyland, but the rest of us do not. It is people like them who are harmful to the community they live in. Janice Rogers Brown is a shining example of what every little girl in America can accomplish. She represents not excuses, but hard work and proper morals.
She deserves respect and a straight up or down vote in the Senate. By violating 214 years of tradition, liberals are in effect violating every little girl who aspires to be more than she sees on the corner.
The putative ipse dixit arguments of malevolent blacks are not helping. They can accuse others of selling out, but two questions still remain. Why is everything that happens to them because they are black, and for all others just the breaks of life? And why is it that so many people in general (blacks specifically) embrace the lowest common denominator, while viciously condemning quality people they should emulate?
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here