There Was No ‘Attempted’ Voter Fraud or ‘Attempt’ To Steal Election

Hear me when I say the following. There was no attempted voter fraud nor was there any attempting to steal the election from President Trump!! I’m sorry to be the one to break this news to you, but if I don’t, I’m not sure who will.
There was no attempt as per definition, because the idea of attempting something does not suggest nor equate with said being successful. In fact, in most instances the idea of “attempt” carries with it the connotation of not succeeding, i.e., failure.
There was no “attempted” voter fraud nor was there any “attempt” to steal the election from President Trump, because there was voter fraud and the election was stolen. That is the factual reality. If there were an “attempt” we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
That which I have just said is of paramount importance to understand, because it happened in America, not some Third World Banana Republic with a GDP lower than the value of the shoes in my wife’s closet.
This treason took place in America; It was perpetrated by Americans and it was perpetrated against a duly elected occupant of the highest office in America and the most powerful office in the world. Let the gravity of that sink in for a moment.
There’s no scenario by which this is supposed to happen in America, Kennedy v. Nixon not withstanding. Election skullduggery isn’t new in America; after all the Teddy Roosevelt election wasn’t the first or the last as Kennedy v. Nixon proved.
In this instance it was not a couple robber barons sitting around their club drinking Scotch and Cognac deciding how to continue their unethical machinations. It was not a mobster bootlegger trying to seal the legacy of his family name as with the late Joe Kennedy. This was the unparalleled weaponization of the United States secretive assets intended for use to destabilize foreign governments, neutralize threats abroad, and protect America against terrorists, successfully employed against We the People at the specific behest of those who occupied and occupy the highest offices in the United States. This includes Obama, the courts, et al who have placed their hand on a bible and pledged unwavering loyalty to America and the citizens of same.
Institutions heretofore regarded as bastions worthy of trust and respect have proven themselves to distributors of pure agitprop and the industrialized centers of systematic brainwashing. I speak of course, of the national media and schools.
The national media is less trustworthy than was Hitler. You have to give him props, he made not pretense regarding his plans and intentions. This was an assault upon the most sacred of our Constitutional rights – the uncontested right to fair elections of the person(s) of our choice.
This goes beyond those hiding behind the curtains who worked against Ross Perot. It goes beyond Karl Rove’s sabotage of Herman Cain and Rove’s involvement in getting the crayon color groups led by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the NAACP to brand the Tea Party as racist so as to prevent Conservatives from having another political alternative. Those machinations, as evil as they were, pale in comparison to weaponized digital terrorism that was perpetrated against We the People in the outright theft of this election.
If this can happen in America, where else in the world can we truly be free to live the Constitutional dream of our Founding Fathers? This isn’t about liking or hating President Trump; it’s about the most Satanic act of Erebusic corruption witnessed in America that was designed specifically to deny a free people their Constitutional rights and privileges.
This was a plan that was hatched and given trial runs going back to the moment Obama took office. In fact, should we be surprised to find out just how Obama garnered the votes to defeat Hillary? On what level was it the similar weaponization of cyber warfare as used against President Trump?
The Patriot Act was always going to be a threat to civilian America. I remember having conversations with persons in positions to know the facts, regarding the threat its implementation posed to a free citizenry. I specifically recall a military officer giving me an in depth lesson regarding what the Patriot Act portended domestically if an individual like Obama ever had access to it. The evolution of the software and programming that could be militarized was something out of science fiction – only it isn’t.
People ask today: How could this happen? It happened because the purveyors of anti-Americanism and adherents to Marxism entered institutions of so-called higher learning and developed protocols for the systematic inculcation of malleable minds with hatred for America and belief in Communism. I recall reading manifestos of domestic terrorist groups organizing in Lehigh Valley, PA in the late 1960’s.
Thus, the urgency to deconstruct America as a free country comprised of free individuals able to determine their own destinies became a matrix-type illusion. The enemies of America have been trained in the most elite indoctrination centers, e.g., Harvard, Princeton, Yale, the California university and college system, Northwestern, Columbia, ad nauseum. It’s repulsive to watch parents gush with pride that their child has been accepted into some satanic hellhole believing this will help them achieve the American dream.
The elements of this cultural and institutional indoctrination have spread like spores into classrooms, grades K-12th, courts, medicine, media, the legal system, military etc. Others return academia to become the next generation of professors and teachers to perpetuate the continuation of the process. The elites are chosen/permitted and/or encouraged to run for public office.
I repeat my opening statement. There was no “attempt” to steal this election. This election was in fact stolen. But that isn’t the end of the story. Be it God’s will, the mass national support and rebellion of We the People will prevail in the battle to claim the victory that was stolen from us.
We can no longer deny the painfully obvious. We live in an America that people refused to believe could come into being. We live in an America where the enemies terrorize our communities while citizens cower in corners terrified to fight back.
You have been played for suckers. I say you because I’ve been warning about FoxNews and so-called conservative persons. I was excoriated when I warned about the late John McCain, Karl Rove, George Bush, and Mitt Romney to mention but four. I lost subscribers and donors.
Well let me warn you again. The magnitude of what has happened should enrage you, it should also make you assess where we send our children to school and what we involve them in. It should make Americans realize if this can be done with impunity here, is there anything they won’t or cannot do wherever they please?
America needs a man like President Trump. Let’s enjoin him in fighting to take what the thieves have stolen. It’s ours and we have the right to take what is ours.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here