Thomas Carpenter Was Angry With My Column On Homosexuality

Yesterday I received a letter from a Thomas Carpenter of Santa Monica, California. Suffice it to say he represents everything we expect from his kind and I assure you, that is not a compliment.
It appears Carpenter was offended because I spoke the unambiguous truth in my syndicated op-ed titled: Homosexuality Is Not Normal; It’s Deviant Sexual Lust.
Following is the chap’s jeremiad as it was received, unedited or changed in any way: “For someone who says he doesn’t hate homosexuals you really go out of your way to judge and condemn them. As a person raised in a religious background, I distinctly recall the part about not judging others. If you loved them, you would accept them as other children of God, because that’s what they are. As for the part about homosexuality being a “deviancy,” I would ask you if you have bothered to read what the major medical/scientific associations all say about the subject? They distinctly say that homosexuality is a sexual orientation, and NOT a deviancy or a disorder! As such, these experts agree that homosexuality is not contagious either, so forget that threat. You say it’s your right to refuse to accept acts of sexual perversion, and that’s true, just don’t do anything you consider a perversion. It just isn’t your right as a “born again Christian” to play God. As for subject being “born again,” I personally see that many of your kind overreact tp many of life’s realities, perhaps as a compensation for your own insecurities and past failures. But who am I to judge!”
Carpenter is emblematic of those who are remorselessly given over to sin. What he has written sounds akin to someone making bubbling sounds with their head in the toilet.
I suspect this person sent his mournful diatribe by the postal service because: 1) He didn’t want to be outed by using email or social media; or 2) he wanted to be sure I would see what he had to say. Either way he massively miscalculated by believing he could get away with an attempted drive-by. Also, to show him that his hissy-fit did not go unnoticed, I’m mailing a copy of my response as it appears here to his post office box returned mailing address.
I am comfortable in saying not only do I have a firm grasp of the English language, but where I come from we say what we mean and mean what we say. Ergo, if I hated homosexuals, I would have said so. The fact that I said I do not hate them, means just that, I do not hate them.
As for his being a “person raised in a religious background” – so what. His claim of having been raised “in a religious background” indicates he apparently learned nothing from the experience or he has rejected whatever he may have learned. Unless, his so-called “religious background” was a religion that sanctioned godless deviant sexual practices.
It was predictable that somewhere in his tortured and laborious decision to be insulted, he would fall back upon one of the single most misinterpreted scriptures in the bible. Second perhaps only to the idea that “God helps those who help themselves;” which is a damnable lie from the pit of hell.
It is quite probable its the only scripture in the bible his kind knows or remembers; because in the mind of those like him and all others who do not want to be told they are living in sin, it absolves him/them of accountability. The fact is that they know their behavior is wicked, but they do not want you to tell them. However, I have yet to hear one of those quick to misquote Matthew 7:1 (KJV), ever quote John 7:24 (KJV).
You see, we are to judge; but we are to judge by “righteous judgement.” We are not to judge based upon appearance or from the attitude of the Pharisees and Jewish leaders Jesus was addressing in Matthew 7:1.
But, Carpenter wouldn’t know that because it’s doubtful he has spent time reading the bible as the “Word of God.” His kind read the bible in order to distort the truth. I digress for a moment to say this: If Carpenter were saved, the Holy Spirit would be in him and he would not misrepresent what God’s word factually says. But, as I said, I digress.
It’s also worth noting that “righteous judgment” is essential as Christians and specifically Christian clergy, if we are to preach and recognize Romans 1:18-2:16 (KJV). Carpenter and his kind also completely ignore 1 Corinthians 6:1-5 (KJV). But let’s not stop there.
His twisted logic that if I really loved homosexuals, I would show it by accepting their wickedness and treat them “as other children of God” is Erebusic and morally opprobrious but obviously not out of character for him.
Where in the Word of God is it written that in order to show love we must accept and ignore their wickedness? Did/does God overlook sin and wickedness because He loved us enough to send His only begotten Son to die for our sins? Did Christ, the prophets, the Apostles or any Godly person in scripture or history ever ignore wickedness as a sign of showing love? Of course the answer is no.
This person doesn’t want love, he wants absolution but as I said, he doesn’t want to be accountable – so he and his kind can continue to practice and/or support their chosen sinful sexual practices.
Which brings me to his comment about the major “medical/scientific associations:” Are we to believe they are above the Word of God? Are we to believe the eternal consequences for sin are dismissed because of “medical/scientific associations” that invent research outcomes supporting sin? Many of the faux-medical findings he is referencing are disputed by legitimate doctors and scientists; but more importantly they are disputed by the Word of God and for a Christian nothing supplants the authority of God’s word.
I would also point out that when it comes to his so-called medical/scientific associations he omits that they are changing the medical lexicon to accommodate sexual perversion. Consider “gender dysphoria disorder” has been renamed specifically to make sexual perversion more palatable. He also omits the fact that no few of his so-called experts are themselves either sympathetic to homosexuality or homosexuals.
However, it’s apparent that a “medical/scientific” research study that was done by Johns Hopkins is deliberately overlooked by Carpenter and his ilk. Published in The New Atlantis – A Journal of Technology and Society, the three-part, 153 page research report unambiguously makes clear that evidence does not support the idea of people being born homosexual or lesbian. Of course factual science doesn’t fit Carpenter’s narrative; he would rather try to bully people with lies and phony research results created to support lies. I’m guessing he finds the world renown Johns Hopkins University research less credible than he does the Word of God.
Homosexuality is a perverse and abnormal sexual practice that is deviant on every quantifiable level. I say that with no malicious intent whatsoever. I state it as a fact. For more see: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disorder Not A Sexual Identity.
I tackle this subject because I love them more than they do themselves, but condoning and appeasing their wicked behavior is not the answer. Homosexuals, like every other person living in sin need Jesus Christ. Just as I did and every other born-again Christian did before our conversion.
I cannot omit that sexual sin of any kind is disobedient and selfish in disregarding the God ordained order per sexual intimacy. Homosexuality is selfish in that they are willing to bring heartache, shame and estrangement to the point of destroying families unless their sin is accepted. What’s more evil than satan using children to try to separate Christians from the Word of God by using their child’s behavior for spiritual extortion? The parents either disobey God and embrace sexual sin or have the child and homosexual advocates try to guilt the family.
This Carpenter person who wrote me and all of those like him picked on the wrong person. I neither retreat nor apologize for being obedient to my calling as a minister and as a Child of God.
Which in closing, I would be remiss if I did not inform this predictably biblically illiterate person that he and all that agree with him should read John 1:12-13 (KJV). There is only one way to become a child of God. That is by receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior.
It is tragic that people like this person are so misled. I pity him because nothing he says or believes will change where he spends eternity save his repenting and turning to Christ for forgiveness unto salvation.
As for his puerile attempt at insult which is prototypical of his kind, he tries to infer that I and others have some element of homosexuality of homosexual thought(s) and that is why we speak against sexual deviancy. I speak out because I want to warn the lost and unsaved away from the eternal pain of sin and because I do not want them to stand before God having not heard “You must be born again.”
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here