It’s Time For Blacks To Stop Blaming Others

The Black Star Project is nothing more than a “blame whitey,” “give us money” hate group
If a white person addressed a black person as: “Hey African-American” the black person would virtually jump out of their skin. There would be sobbing consistent with victimology and outrage from those saying it is racist to address a “bra-tha” that way.
But black girls and specifically those in urban areas call one another: “a ho, a b**ch, and even worse, at the blink of an eye. Which brings me to my point.
The Chicago based “Black Star Project” casts itself as an organization dedicated to educational attainment of black children. In reality they are nothing more than a “blame whitey,” “give us money” hate group brainwashing children to believe the white man is responsible for their dysfunctional homes and schools.
The latest example is their reprising the idea that black girls are suspended more than others and that: being called a racial slur is a common experience shared by all girls of color, with one third to one half of them saying they have had this experience (Asian and Pacific Islander girls reported the highest rate), compared to just more than one eighth of white girls. And national data shows that Black girls are 5.5 times more likely and Native American girls are 3 times more likely to be suspended from school than white girls. In addition to these barriers, girls of color are more likely to attend under-resourced schools that are not culturally competent or personalized to their needs or interests, which negatively affects their educational opportunities and future earnings. (It Continues: Black Girls Still Disproportionately Suspended; Kelly Fair; 5/18/2017)
I don’t dispute the numbers tossed about by the author. I dispute what they are being used to portray. Young black girls are among the most violent and most confrontational of any demographic and for the author to pretend otherwise is either knowingly dishonest or massive naivety.
A study by The PEW Charitable Trusts published in 2015 found that: Despite the fact that birth rates for black and Latina teens have dropped in the past two decades at a much faster rate than that of white teen girls – it doesn’t change the fact that black and Latina teen girls are more than twice as likely as white girls to become pregnant before they leave adolescence. (Racial and Ethnic Disparities Persist in Teen Pregnancy Rates; Teresa Wiltz; 3/5/2015)
Black teen pregnancy is outpaced only by Hispanic teen pregnancies and then by the slightest of margins. According to The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, The Pew Charitable Trusts 2015:
• White teen pregnancy rate 19 births per 1,000 a 9% decline since 2012, a 57% decline since 1991
• Black teen pregnancy rate 39 births per 1,000 an 11% decline since 2012, a 67% decline since 1991
• Hispanic teen pregnancy rate 42 births per 1,000 a 10% decline since 2012, 60% decline since 1991
• American Indian or Alaskan Native teen pregnancy rate 31 births per 1,000 a decline of 11% since 2012, a 63% decline since 1991
• Asians or Pacific Islander teen pregnancy rate 9 births per 1,000 a 10% decline since 2012, a 68% decline since 1991
If black teens aren’t having babies they are killing them, which is evidenced by the fact that in 2011 black teen girls ages 15-19, had 32.6 abortions per 1,000. This number is even more alarming when we consider that it is in some instances triple all other demographics: white teen girls had 8.5 abortions per 1,000, and Hispanic teen girls had 12.7 abortions per 1,000.
One doesn’t need Solomonic wisdom to understand that bad decisions result in bad outcomes and generationally bad decisions result in high rates of disproportionately bad outcomes.
Many young black girls model themselves after their dysfunctional domiciles. Just as problematic are those they view as role models. Professional tennis player, Serena Williams is feted for being pregnant despite the fact that she isn’t married. Trashy on-screen personalities and so-called musicians are those young black girls view as people to emulate.
The consequences of generationally bad decision-making, has resulted in broken homes and dysfunctional families living in poverty with limited access to good schools. It is a trend that cannot be broken by blaming others.
It is not popular to say, but it is no less truthful, and that is if young black girls do not respect themselves, how are they expected to respect authority and rules of conduct regarding acceptable behavior in school. Go into a store or restaurant and observe how poorly prepared black teen girls are to interact with the public when it comes to doing their job and treating the paying public with respect.
That which I have referenced is the primary causal factors that negatively affect the educational opportunities and future earnings of black young women. No one is served, certainly not the black teen girls in question, when the factual reasons for failure are ignored in favor of blaming white people and/or circumstances.
It may make the author and principles at The Black Star Project uncomfortable being confronted with the truth, but that isn’t my/our problem.
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About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here