Trying To Silence ‘We The People’ Is A Losing Plan For Progressives

Those who have been following me for a period of time should remember that I warned, shortly before Obama was elected, that we would see he and his minions move to silence conservative voices.
I cannot claim spiritual gifts nor clairvoyance for making the warning. It was a so-called no-brainer; it’s what neo-Leninists do. They move to shut down and eliminate any voices that threaten them. Obama himself tried to intimidate me by sending a sinister birthday card to my private residence. To the person, everyone who I shared the card with agreed that he was trying to bully me into silence by threatening my family.
It is worth noting that his attempt was made in 2005 as he was preparing for a Senate run. That said, where I come from we don’t run from some limp-wrist pervert who wears pink panties and spends his time in Chicago bathhouses and in the back seat of limousines with equally as perverted men.
I will also remind you that I warned Tea Party groups I spoke to in 2009 and following the Tea Party orchestrated avalanche of victories in 2010; that the greatest threat to their cause would be Republicans. I warned that Karl Rove’s vicious attack on Tea Party members after Christine O’Donnell defeated Mike Castle in Delaware; an attack for which he was forced to make a public mea culpa was a foreshadowing that my assertions were valid. I warned pursuant to his disparaging comments about the then South Carolina Gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley as the Tea Party helped her claw out a victory. But my warnings went unheeded.
I warned yet again when Karl Rove and Reince Priebus orchestrated the overthrow of Michael Steele when he was Chairman of RNC. Still not enough people listened.
This isn’t a case of patting myself on the back. It’s a case of my understanding that Republican elites do not want We the People to think and stand up for ourselves any more than progressives do. As I wrote over a decade ago, the only thing the hierarchy wants from us is our money and our votes.
I warned that if the Tea Party groups wanted to make a difference, they would distance themselves from the GOP establishment, concentrate on vetting candidates, and supporting the candidates of their choice — not by genuflecting and following the dictates of the GOP. But that is exactly what many Tea Party groups did and this is what has happened. I warned in April 2009 that the Republican hierarchy fully realized what the Tea Party had not at that time, and that was the very real threat that an organized Tea Party could present.
Referencing back to Karl Rove; there is nothing, I repeat nothing that persuades me that the ultimate demise of the original Tea Party movement didn’t have his fingerprints on it. I also stand by my assertion that Rove was the principle figure behind the scenes responsible for the NAACP, The Urban League, and other black neo-Leninist front groups suddenly springing to life calling the Tea Party movement racist.
I ask you, what can be racist about lower taxes, reigning in out of control government spending, and government accountability? How is the idea of working class Americans keeping more of what they earn racist, specifically if they are black?
I cannot prove my assertions in a court of law, but that in no way makes my assertions any less true. I add here, nor am I the only one who knows what I have charged, is absolutely true.
Fast-forward and we witness Twitter, Facebook, Google, et al of arbitrarily shutting down conservative voices. I was shut down for breaking a news story on Venezuela before any of the major networks or cable news channels broke the story. I shared photos and official embassy emails and official State Dept. emails instructing Americans in Venezuela what to do and where to seek safety. For some inexplicable reasons, Facebook took exception and shut my page down for weeks. That was not to be the last time Facebook exercised their heavy-handed bigotry and shut me down. Twitter is guilty of the same thing.
I may not agree with everything Alex Jones comes up with, and less there be any doubt, I do not agree with most of what he comes up with. But how is he worse than CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS? Of all the filth and lies on YouTube and the other social network platforms, it was deemed that Alex Jones was the worst of all and as such they took extraordinary steps in a transpicuous attempt to silence him. Google is now considering blocking people from even searching for Jones.
But Hillary is still unindicted for her criminal behavior. She still has her top-level security clearance and she is nowhere closer to being held accountable for the actions that she and Obama did not take that allowed Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty to be murdered. No one has been sanctioned for Fast and Furious; no one has been indicted for Hillary’s foundation. Susan Rice and Loretta Lynch remain free and yet somehow Alex Jones is the threat to nation.
Now comes the following American Action News report, which reveals what we already knew, i.e., that George Soros money was involved: “Soros-Funded Social Media Censorship Plan Revealed.” (AAN Staff; 8/21/2018)
The internet purge of conservatives by tech giants has taken a sinister turn.
A newly released confidential memo by George Soros-funded advocacy groups reveals Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Apple’s punitive actions mirror a plan concocted by Soros to wrest power away from President Trump. (WorldNetDaily)
A confidential, 49-page memo for defeating Trump by working with the major social media platforms to eliminate “right-wing propaganda and fake news” was presented in January 2017 by Media Matters founder David Brock at a retreat in Florida with about 100 donors, the Washington Free Beacon reported at the time.
On Monday, the Gateway Pundit blog noted the memo’s relationship with recent moves by Silicon Valley tech giants to “shadow ban” conservative political candidates and pundits and remove content.
The Free Beacon obtained a copy of the memo, “Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action,” by attending the retreat.
The memo spells out a four-year agenda that deployed Media Matters along with American Bridge, Shareblue and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) to attack Trump and Republicans.
I warned that Karl Rove was going to do everything in his power to prevent you and I from having a voice. Donald Trump was the only man who could stand up to the attacks, not only by Democrats but specifically by Rove and other elitist Republicans.
However the only things their attacks have accomplished is to make us more determined to support President Trump. Their attempts to silence us is serving only to drive those on the fence over to our side.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, let me remind you of something else I have been telling voters since 2003. The so-called powers that be fear us. They make it seem like they are not afraid of us, but they are and do not for a moment think otherwise.
The reason they are shutting down our accounts and taking such chilling action against Alex Jones is because they fear us. They know that if we are sharing information we are a threat to them. They have tried to silence Rush Limbaugh by going after his advertisers. They have tried to do the same to other conservative personalities as well, myself included.
“What does this portend” and “what do we do” are the most frequent questions people ask me as their knees knock together. My answer is always the same. We man up and stay active because the attempts to silence us prove to me that we are their greatest nightmare. They are afraid of us. If they were not afraid of us they wouldn’t be going to such extreme lengths to silence us.
The foolish mistake they are making regards the laws of “Unintended Consequences.” The more they attack us the more urgent it becomes for conservatives to establish their own social platforms. I don’t give a rats tail about Facebook, I am now on “” It is a strictly conservative social news platform. I have been on same for only a few weeks and I like it. It’s all conservative news, all the time.
My late mother used to always say that: “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Out of necessity other platforms will rise up to keep us connected. This is not the time to give up or run for cover, this is the time to realize we are winning and stay on the attack.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here