Understanding Why Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is Despised

Let me begin by saying that I have the utmost respect for Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She is a lovely, gracious, dignified lady who I would want beside me in battle any day of the week. She personifies strength and erudition. She is the epitome of a woman who is assured of herself and of a woman who is loved and respected by her family, her friends, and those with whom she works daily. Moreover, she is a testimony to the Godly values and Christ centered character of an adult raised in a home by Christian parents who lived their faith.
With that said, I find it easy to understand why those whose chief attributes are moral opprobriousness and a noxious personality would hate her.
When a person is moral and dignified, their enemies can find no other avenue of attack than baleful invectives. It is a truthful saying: “Envy hates the excellency it cannot reach.”
In the final analysis those attacking Sarah realize that for all of their bravado, they are ambsace, and even that is a more generous recognition than they deserve.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a standup Christian woman and standup Christian people are persecuted, but God protects his own.
We witnessed ad hominem attacks like those directed at Sarah also initiated against Dr. Condoleezza Rice when she was the National Security Advisor and later also served as the Secretary of State for President George W. Bush. Dr. Rice also served on the National Security Council as the Soviet and Eastern Europe Affairs Advisor to President George H.W. Bush.
The same so-called news outlets and many of the same so-called journalists attacked Dr. Rice. There were crude cartoons drawn of her and she was derided as being a race traitor because she is accomplished and dignified.
Like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Dr. Rice was not given her positions because she fit a specific skin-color matrix or gender profile; rather she earned her positions by being the most qualified.
Julian Bond, who was the Chairman of the NAACP at the time, said on a nationwide television show that he supported and agreed with the vitriolic cartoon caricatures of Dr. Rice. But be assured that he would have called the cartoons racist if they had depicted any of the skin-color pets who do the bidding of their puppet masters.
Like Sarah, Dr. Rice was belittled and mocked. Mean, boorish, hate-filled things were said of her with impunity. Recent history has shown us that had Dr. Rice, gone about doing jumping jacks, engaged in gluttony and spent long days imbibing vodka, and wallowed around on the floor of an afternoon television host’s set doing pushups, blaming whites and slavery for the ills of black people today, she would have been applauded. The history of the past few years shows us that had Dr. Rice not been proud of her country she would have been accepted by the elitist Mohocks of today who continue to behave as those of their kind in 18th century London.
The same news-outlets and so-called journalists offered no condemnation of the Cal State Fresno professor who referencing former First Lady Barbara Bush, said: “I’m happy the witch is dead – can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise…” Speaking of Mrs. Bush, the so-called professor used social media to say: “Dancing happily on the grave of someone I despise. It’s so fun.”
Knowing that she had immunity to speak and behave, as she wanted, the pathetic excuse for humanity went on to boast that she earned $100,000 annually and would never be fired because she had full tenure.
These are just three examples of accomplished women who should be extolled as role models and paragons of virtue. Instead those who are common and boorish, resort to ad hominem attacks against them.
But, what else can we expect from those attacking these strong proud women.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders did not cry, gnash her teeth, and make a theatrical production out of the attempts to embarrass her. She is truly a strong independent woman.
God fearing righteous women are not threatened by the likes of those who mocked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and those who thought it was okay.
Truly independent women who strive to honor God understand that they are above such taunts. Those who attack them do so because they know if they lived to be 500-years old, they would never “attain the excellency” they envy in Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here