‘I Feel the Presence of The Lord’  

"I Feel The Presence of The Lord" is a personal collection of devotions intended to encourage the reader to seek and see the Lord in every aspect of their life.
The enemy of our souls would have us subscribe to the mentality of being endlessly busy, and therefore it being excusable to relegate God to a Sunday morning church service, if that. Thus, many in our churches today are powerless Christians and/or Christians in whom faith and fellowship with God is sorely wanting.
I Feel The Presence of The Lord is not just a book to be read as part of our daily devotions. It is a collection of thoughts and instructions to inspire the reader to meditate upon the Lord and His Word.

Voters Must Learn From Past Mistakes

October 27, 2015

While I am inclined to disagree in large part with the late Prussian Statesman Otto Eduard Leopold, A.K.A. Otto von Bismarck, the one thing I cannot disagree with are his words: “Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”

Our Founding Fathers learned from the governmental tyranny they and their ancestors had lived under and determined that such governmental tyranny would not be tolerated in America. For a period of time it can be empirically argued that they succeeded. But those following the “Greatest Generation,” i.e., the “Baby Boomers” and the “Gen X’ers” have not learned from the mistakes they have made. They have instead taken replicating those mistakes to unparalleled levels.

America’s Founding Fathers and those Americans of the Great Depression and World War II eras were not without fear, but fear did not prevent them from making the right decisions based on the eras preceding them.

But the “Baby Boomers” and the “Gen X’ers” use fear as the excuse to enable evil men to destroy heretofore the greatest nation on earth. And nowhere is there a more transpicuous example than the election process.

The election process since the first Kennedy – Nixon debate has evolved into an exercise not predicated upon candidates telling the truth but rather candidates saying whatever it takes to get elected. These candidates are managed by a shadowy camarilla who serve at the pleasure of an even more obscure collection of persons intent upon creating a zeitgeist of political conformity designed to retain the power of a few but not the freedom of the whole.

Whether it is returning home to Orlando, speaking in Michigan, conducting a seminar in New Jersey, or enjoying a cigar with a friend in Memphis, TN, the one common thread among people I talk to – is fear for the future of our nation. But even more palpable than the expressed fears by people for America’s future, is their abject determination to perfect the replication of not learning from their mistakes nor the mistakes of others.

That common mistake is the inculcated mindset that electing a bad Republican is a safer choice than electing a bad Democrat. What the many who cling to such asinine reasoning refuse to admit is that the definition of bad is the same regardless of whether bad precedes the assignation of Republican or Democrat. It is a truism that the lesser of two evils is still evil and evil can legitimately be counted upon to do that which is evil.

There is no better example of this truth than the reelection of the Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY. Many voters from Kentucky have told me they knew McConnell was bad but they were led to believe his Democrat opponent, Alison Grimes was “badder”. So, out of fear, they felt compelled to vote for the bad Republican. What I expressed to them was that their fear had blinded them to the option of mounting a massive write-in campaign for the Tea Party candidate Matt Bevin.

Fear of loosing causes people to make indescribably bad decisions. The most feared combatant is the one who doesn’t fear losing. The voters of Kentucky had nothing to lose if they had mounted a write-in campaign for Bevin and the result was a Grimes victory. But they had everything to gain if their efforts led to a successful bid by Bevin.

There is nothing Grimes could have done that is worse than that which McConnell has done.

If voters truly want change they cannot continue to be motivated by fear. Nor can they continue to believe those program hosts and pundits who are telling them what they want to hear are being truthful.

America’s Founding Fathers risked everything, including their lives, the lives and well-being of their families, and their freedom to establish a nation independent of the corrupt Crown of England.

Obama ran on a message of change, which was no different than those running against him. America does not need to change as defined by politicians – America needs to return to that which made her the envy of the world.

Hillary Clinton is not the enemy of America; those promoting milquetoast politician wannabes with a veneer of mellifluous genteelly and the people believing same are the enemy. Hillary is a red herring being used by Republicans who mask an ideology no different than hers.

Making a statement one day, and then spending the next day explaining what they said is not what they meant is no different than Obama’s deceit. America needs a leader who doesn’t have to rehearse the truth. America needs a leader who believes in the greatness of American people, not the government. America needs to be a people who have learned from the mistakes of “Baby-Boomers” and “Gen X’ers.”

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Mychal Massie

About the Author

Mychal Massie

Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here

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