When Truth Is Forbidden, Only Lies Will be told

Those of us committed to sharing factual truth and fighting against the amoral dishonesty of progressives on both sides of the aisle are being attacked like never before, and the singular reason is to prevent you the citizenry from having the truth presented to you.
I view truth as a variant form of a palindrome. The truth is the truth regardless of whose mouth and/or pen it comes from. With that said, the truth tellers must disinterest themselves with regard to how the truth is received by those who embrace evil as good, and good as evil.
This is particularly true of those who claim to be Christians. Liars abhor the truth and they will go to every length available to subvert and discourage the presentation of same. Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Twitter have become life changing avenues of communication and information. But the very last thing any of these platforms are willing to abide are truth tellers.
They are interested only those spewing the message of division and progressivism. The creators of this social networking and information portals have made it clear that they are not willing to have factual truth and traditional conservative information shared on their platforms. They have unambiguously censored the factual truth tellers, at the same time allowing progressives and haters of traditional America to spew any and all filth and lies they choose.
Specific to that point, it is my opinion that oftentimes people avoid speaking the truth as a means of removing themselves from being involved. Perhaps they are afraid of being ostracized; perhaps they are just timid.
But there comes a time when in the life of every man, woman, and child that they must stand up for the truth or face forever the bullying and demagoguery of evil haters – and that time is now.
Many are attacked as much, but no one is attacked and called more names for speaking the truth than I am. But in the absence of fact and intellectual standing, that is all those who bastardize truth can do.
While liberals are prolific distorters of truth and pernicious revisionists, i.e., liars – it is blacks, liberals, and homosexuals who rely upon threats and intimidation. If their positions were just, there would be no need for them to employ such actions. The truth would stand on its own merit and not depend upon their vitriol and threats, if indeed they were capable of telling the truth.
We cannot sit silent shivering in fear of what we may be called or of what people will say. The future of America is dependent upon our confronting lies with truth. Evil only triumphs when good men do nothing. If we do nothing; if we depend upon others to speak for us, we will doom what future we have left.
As Martin Luther King famously said: “Yet there are in [America] millions of people of goodwill whose voices are yet unheard, whose course is yet unclear, and whose courageous acts are yet unseen. These persons are often silent today because of fear — fear of social, political and economic reprisals. In the name of God, in the interest of human dignity, and for the cause of democracy these millions are called upon to gird up their courage, to speak out, to offer leadership that is needed. If the people of goodwill [in America] fail to act now, history will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the vitriolic words and violent actions of the bad people, but the appalling silence and indifference of the good people. Our generation will have to repent not only for the words and acts of the children of darkness but also for the fears and apathy of the children of light.” (Dinkier Plaza Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia; 1/27/65)
Those who espouse extremism and who have committed themselves to the deconstruction of our great nation foment discord and froth boorish vitriol in the hope of intimidating us into silence.
They are aware of that which so many truly “concerned people” fail to recognize. Said being, the only way for them, ie.e., the evil people to be victorious is to keep us silent and afraid. Faith in God Almighty and our collective voices are our greatest strengths.
When we rose up against government anarchy in 2010 (vis-a`-vis the Tea Party revolution), we not only triumphed – we sent a clarion message to those in power and their radical minions. But instead of staying on point we retreated to our living rooms trusting politicians to carry on for us.
I warned at the time that was a critical mistake and my warnings have been borne out. We cannot afford to relax. Good soldiers are always on guard and prepared for the next attempted assault on our freedoms.
We rose up again on November 8, 2016, doing what few political dilettantes and political fixers believed possible. Our election of President Trump has upset the balance of uncontrolled political brinkmanship. In electing President Trump we stood up to the political bullies of both parties who viewed it as their divine right to dictate who we support.
I warned in 2010 against the return to passivity. I now warn I am convinced that in President Donald Trump, we have been given yet another opportunity not unlike Nineveh was given when the people heeded the words of Jonah. The end has been written. I believe based upon the historical record written in scripture that the future, i.e., the fulfillment of prophecy can be delayed but it can never be prevented. That said, I also believe it can be hastened and scripture supports me on that as well.
In the strongest possible terms I admonish you that only through God can we delay the inevitable. We cannot do it by surrendering to evil. We are witnessing evil incarnate on a scale heretofore not witnessed in many generations. We can either get on our knees seeking God’s face or we can continue to bathe in the sinful disregard that has brought us to the brink of societal collapse. It is up to you.
As Ronald Reagan said: “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness. (A Time For Choosing; The Speech; 10/27/1964)
Americans on bent knees to God carried the saber of resolve to ensure our standard of life. We must not let the commitment of our forefathers be in vain. I am committed to fighting for you, are you committed to supporting and standing behind those of us who are the sharp end of the spear in the fight to preserve your God given right to hear the unvarnished, non-politically correct truth?
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here