‘I Feel the Presence of The Lord’  

"I Feel The Presence of The Lord" is a personal collection of devotions intended to encourage the reader to seek and see the Lord in every aspect of their life.
The enemy of our souls would have us subscribe to the mentality of being endlessly busy, and therefore it being excusable to relegate God to a Sunday morning church service, if that. Thus, many in our churches today are powerless Christians and/or Christians in whom faith and fellowship with God is sorely wanting.
I Feel The Presence of The Lord is not just a book to be read as part of our daily devotions. It is a collection of thoughts and instructions to inspire the reader to meditate upon the Lord and His Word.

Why Commie Kamala Ignores The Reality of The Past

Kamala Harris is morally opprobrious, pedantic and insultingly offensive on every quantifiable level. But, such is her kind. (Think: Hillary and the Obama woman)

She cannot lie her way out of her track record. We were here the past three-plus years. We’ve watched her fan the flames of anti-law enforcement sentiment. We were watching when she self-identified as an Indian, until desperation set in and she felt compelled to imitate Rachel Dolezal. Then, faster than the Obama woman can chug down vodka while complaining about how hard it is for her in America, because of racist old white men: zing, bam, boom – and she is suddenly black with several different accents.

As I have explained countless times about Marxism, one of the benefits of Marxism, which for her has become a theology: The removal of tradition and history is one of the five key social objectives of Marxism; because as Marx wrote: “In bourgeois society, the past dominates the present; in Communist society, the present dominates the past.” (See: SPECIAL EDITION FRIDAY: Malcolm X Was Talking About Harris and Obama; October 18, 2024)

Which brings me to her repeated falsities regarding her responsibility for the southern border. But, first it is important for me to take you back to the history Harris wants ignored so she can preach without fear of contradiction, i.e., the Marxist theology of class-warfare and taxing the rich, without ever having to address the following truth:

In his March 2012 Discussion Paper No. 6423, titled, “The Shadow Economy and Work in the Shadow: What do We (Not) Know?,” by Friedrich Schneider (Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University of Linz and IZA) wrote: Smith “defines [shadow economy] as market-based production of goods and services, whether legal or illegal, that escapes detection in the official estimates of GDP”. Put differently, one of the broadest definitions is: “…those economic activities and the income derived from them that circumvent or otherwise avoid government regulation, taxation or observation.” (P. Smith, 1994; Assessing the Size of the Underground Economy: The Canadian Statistical Perspectives, Canadian Economic Observer, Catalogue No. 11-010, pp16-33)

David Zeiler, Associate Editor, Money Morning wrote: “Doing what they can to survive in a dour job market, millions of Americans exist in an underground economy that has ballooned to $2 trillion annually.” (What America’s $2 Trillion Underground Economy Says About Jobs; 4/29/13)

Zeiler stated: “The rapidly growing amount of unreported wages in the U.S. Is costing the nation billions in lost tax revenue. The Internal Revenue Service estimated that the losses from unreported wages have grown from about $385 billion in 2006 to about $500 billion [2012].”

First of all, what reasonable voter would believe for an instant that today these numbers have not multiplied exponentially? But don’t take my word for it; it is very easy to check it out for yourself. Go to any check-cashing center, mini-mart or bodega, etc., that’s heavily trafficked by Mexicans, Latinos, Hispanics, Columbians and/or South Americans that has Western Union Service or Walmart MoneyGram or Walmart MoneyCenter and watch the amount of money transfers out of the country on a Friday evening. This includes the days welfare payments are deposited into accounts.

Harris and her Soros-funded open border cronies would have us believe these are just honest hard-working people looking for a better way of life. Harris and her kind paint the invasion of illegal aliens as a social panacea of people yearning to be free. What they’re yearning for is their equivalent of hitting the lottery.

Harris has yet to discuss the cost of having illegal aliens invade our country. You and I don’t see the cost as such, but we feel it in additional taxes and increased silent factors and ancillary expenses brought about to compensate for the cost of childbirths by illegals and pediatric childcare.

Elizabeth Rivelli, writing for Forbes Advisor, January 3, 2024, wrote, “How Much Does It Cost To Have A Baby? 2024 Averages”:

 The average out-of-pocket cost for childbirth with health insurance is $2,854, but the costs for vaginal births are lower than those for cesarean births. The average out-of-pocket spending for a vaginal delivery is $2,655, compared to $3,214 for cesarean births.” I add: the aforementioned is the cost unless you are an illegal alien, in which case it costs you nothing because of taxpayer funded welfare provisions, plus additional benefits such as immediate citizenship, i.e., anchor baby status.

Writing for the “The Independent Sentinel,” January 3, 2022, M. Dowling reported at least 400,000 anchor babies being born in the US in 2021. (See: More Anchor Babies Are Born in the US Than Citizen Babies)

Harris should stop dodging interviews long enough to address the real problems we’re confronted with in America. But, she couldn’t, even if she wanted to; because, her party handlers and fellow traitors to America would destroy her.

But, as I referenced in the beginning, that’s not a problem either; because for Marxists there is no history. In Harris’ Communist dystopia there is no past, there’s only the present, with the promise of a future that is devoid of a past. The history of its past is whatever she and her kind claim it to be in the moment needed.

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Mychal Massie

About the Author

Mychal Massie

Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here

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