Identity Politics Benefit Least Qualified and Marxists

Perhaps, in the minds and reasoning of the neo-Leninists I’m being puritanical. But, I would think it reasonable to desire that the first woman to hold the office of President would more than a cackling strumpet. I will not ask to be forgiven for expecting the first woman leader of the free world to be a person of moral integrity and dignity. But, apparently the only requirement if “it” is a Democrat, is for her to have a vagina, real or manufactured (in this case presumably real), but who knows for sure, after all she personifies a boorish trope.
Personally, I honestly don’t care if there is never a woman elected leader of America. I don’t care if there’s never another crayon color leader; the first one certainly “wasn’t anything to write home about,” as my late grandmother used to say. He publicly speaks about his insatiable thirst to sodomize men and to be sodomized by men; all the while being married to some horrid person much of the citizenry refers to as “Big Mike.” Yet he has the audacity to stand before the world from the platform of his party’s national convention mock another person’s manhood.
If Harris, who is primarily known for her disgusting mannerisms and Obama, who is known his perverted thirst to be sodomized by men, are examples of what to expect from the Democrat identity politics, I say let there never be some color or woman is the White House.
If America is to have a woman as president, I want her to be cut from the same stone as the late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and/or the late United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Suffice it to say, if there are such women like Meir and Thatcher, or for that matter men with the fortitude of those two ladies, the person(s) are as yet unseen in the Democrat Party.
That said, the Democrats are the Party of firsts. They were the first Party to have a wheelchair bound person in the White House; they were the first Party to have a serial molester and batterer in the White House; they’re the first Party to have a half-a-Kenyan in the White House with a self proclaimed insatiable thirst to be sodomized by men. None of these are what I want in the person occupying the White House of my country. I’m certainly not interested in having another person who has his son running an ongoing international criminal enterprise that has netted his family untold millions of dollars. Harris is the first candidate to receive the nomination without having won a single vote from a single voter. They’re the first Party to change election laws to prevent others from voting during Jim Crow an act they have reprised successfully the past election cycles.
And, I most certainly do not want another Democrat person in the White House who permits our men and women be murdered at Muslim airports while he leaves hundreds of millions of dollars of military equipment abandoned behind so the terrorists can use them to murder more American men and women. I don’t want the Democrat brand of leadership that watched: Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and Ambassador Christopher Stevens be murdered in real time without lifting a finger; have his dinner and then leave for a Hollywood fundraiser. Neither do I want the kind who screeched the response of “What does it matter” during Congressional Hearings looking into why our brave warriors were permitted too be murdered in Benghazi?
Identity politics sicken me to my stomach. They’re an insult. Identity politics assures us only that we’re guaranteed to have one of the least qualified, if not the least qualified in the White House. Add to that do not forget the worthless, incapable dullards they appoint to their Cabinet and the ongoing harm they commit.
I don’t want a vagina or a crayon color to lead my country. I want the most qualified and a person who loves my country.
Watching President Trump paying his respects at Arlington Cemetery for those Harris and Biden allowed too be murdered at the airport in Afghanistan, brought tear to my eyes as the solitary notes of the bugle played taps for them.
I don’t want a leadership that shamelessly attacks another for showing respect for lives that could have been, should have been and would have been saved with real leadership. I want a leadership that shares the pain and heartbreak of the families. Harris/Biden refuse to even mention the names of those loss, but they’re willing to do photo-ops using the setting whenever it benefits them.
If women are going too run for the White House, I want them to care more about our military than they do butchering emotionally damaged children and the mass extermination of children. All lives matter.
We’ve played identity politics and look what it has given us. “No more” is a good chant when referencing another social vagabond trying to promote herself at the expense of America and We the People.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here