Why I’m Unfazed About Democrat House Win

I’m not trying to put lipstick on a pig nor am I trying to spin my way around what happened this election. Yes, the Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives. The truth is that many of us knew in early 2017 that the numbers were not favoring Republicans retaining control of the House. That became more apparent by this past mid-July; the only question being by how much would they lose it.
The fact that the Democrats could do no better than they did is hugely telling. As I write this article, on Wednesday afternoon, November 7 – the Democrats hold a 223 to 201 advantage in the House, with 13 seats still listed as tossups, seven of which could go to Republicans. More importantly, it is a forgone conclusion that all 13 tossups will not go to Democrats. Add to those numbers that Republicans not only retained the Senate, but gained seats and the Democrats taking back the House is not even close to being the giant victory Democrats and their magpies in the media will claim it to be.
I repeat, I am not trying to put perfume on a manure pile; I am relating to you exactly what I see and recognize it to be. I believe we should be thankful for the blessing of what the results were. A long time friend and colleague of mine who has successfully handicapped more political contests than I can count, told me several days before the election that he saw Democrats regaining the House by between nine and twenty-one seats; with 21 seats being the exact margin if the 13 tossups still outstanding fall as I’ve indicated above.
I am disappointed that Republican Lou Barletta lost in his Senate bid to unseat the progressive liberal Bob Casey in Pennsylvania’s 11th District. But I’m jubilant that Andrew Gillum in Florida and Stacey Abrams in Georgia both lost their bids to become governor of their respective states; and I am equally as jubilant that Beto O’Rourke was drubbed in his attempt to unseat Ted Cruz. The aforementioned being the races that concerned me most.
The media and those who hate President Trump will call this a referendum against the President; I tell you don’t believe it. The Democrats have just enough of a margin in the House to ensure two years of gridlock until the next House elections in 2020 and I can tell you – the only way President Trump doesn’t steamroll to a second term in 2020 is if he were to decide not to run.
The media and the Karl Rove Republicans who have despised President Trump from day one will spin these results into an attack against President Trump. But, what they overlook is that a purging of the House is a good thing from the perspective of those such as myself. We need to rid the House of the “never-Trumpers” and the Paul Ryan RINOs.
House elections are held every two years. As the saying goes, “Winning the House is easy, keeping it is hard.” President Ragan lost the House in 1982, Obama lost the House and the Senate during his reign. George Bush lost the House in 2006. So I’m not tolerating those who claim this is President Trump’s fault.
Democrats are going to spend the next two years trying to impeach President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh, which will be a huge mistake and one that will cost them dearly; even though they don’t see that yet.
Democrats will find a way to work with President Trump to pass an infrastructure bill because it will be something they can tout to their constituents; which President Trump will chalk up another check in his promises kept box. Beyond that Democrats will find a way to attempt to sabotage the economy. They will never fund “the wall,” but the Republican led House wasn’t going fund it either. The President can get around their obstruction by taking the money for “the wall” from the military budget. He can also use Homeland Security for “the wall,” and apart from cry and complain, there’s nothing the Democrats can do about it.
Whatever legislation the Democrat House passes that is adverse to the President’s agenda will be D.O.A. (dead on arrival) when it reaches the Senate. President Trump is in even a more advantageous position in getting his judicial picks through, because the Senate will be more conservative in 2019 than it is now.
It is highly likely that President Trump will have an opportunity to appoint one more, if not two more, Supreme Court Justices. The additional Senate seats President Trump just picked up effectively neutralize Susan Collins, (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski, (R-AK). And for those who do not remember Susan Collins has been a thorn in the side of Conservatives since she was first elected. She may have waxed eloquently in her addressment regarding her voting to confirm Judge Kavanaugh but she “show voted” to repeal obamacare 70 times when she knew there was no chance of Obama signing the legislation. However along with McCain she voted against repealing it when it was clear President Trump would sign the bill. And that is just one of the many times she was a thorn siding with McCain to stymie conservative progress.
As I said to a colleague this morning, President Trump could nominate a judge to the Supreme Court who combines the values of the late Rev. Jerry Falwell and Justice Clarence Thomas all in one and they would now be unable to stop the nominee.
I do not like losing, but I don’t view this as a loss. If Republicans had held the House, there would have been no reason for them to stop fighting against President Trump. In two years we will be able to elect true conservatives to the House as President Trump steamrolls to a second term.
Another thing that we need to realize is that the huge crowds turning out for President Trump’s rallies were a precursor of what to expect in 2020. And do not think for one moment that President Trump doesn’t realize that. Potential candidates realize it as well.
Many conservative voters have short memories, and sadly, too many listen and/or watch the political kabuki theater called cable news and talking radio heads who love to hear themselves talk.
I’m sharing my honest conclusions and nothing dissuades me that I am correct. And considering how bad the Republican losses were supposed to be in the House, I view the much anticipated and boasted about “blue wave,” as turning out to be a blue sprinkle.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here