Why Single Mothers Need President Trump

Just over one year ago as friends and I were preparing to leave the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania establishment where we had enjoyed an evening of Korean food and cigars, I was asked by a group of four women (who happened to be black), if I really believed President Trump was “Making America Great Again” à la the slogan on my President Trump ball cap. I responded that President Trump was making America both “great and proud again.” Three of the women couldn’t conceal their distaste for my matter-of-fact response, albeit they did try.
I knew by the prosody of their feigned interest in honest debate, in what direction the women planned to take the conversation. I stated that people couldn’t have it both ways. They couldn’t complain about the dire economic straits America was in at the time President Trump was elected and then condemn the man responsible for improving the economy in at the time just 22 months – to which I added, “Especially if you’re black.” I said to the women that free mobile phones, food stamps, welfare and seasonal part-time jobs at Amazon or FedEx wasn’t economic improvement.
I reminded them that Obama had told us the high unemployment and economic growth that was too slow to bring back the eight million jobs that were lost, was the new normal.
I reminded them that blacks believed the lie that no one cared more about their condition than Obama; but data compiled by Heritage Foundation showed that under Obama the incomes of blacks decreased nearly $1,000 (adjusted for inflation) per family, per year from 2009 to 2015. Therein lies a tortuous paradox – blacks loved the failure named Obama and are expected hate the man giving them economic increase. I asked them if they were aware that in just seven months after officially being sworn in, family incomes had risen well over $1,000 according to Sentier Research, which was based upon Census Bureau numbers? (See “Trump’s Real Record on Race May Surprise You“)
The women were confusing feigned concern by Obama with tangible economic growth by President Trump. I explained that under President Trump, unemployment among blacks was at the lowest levels since 1972, which just so happened to be under President Nixon – Republican.
I told the women that evening – one needn’t be a genius to realize that a rise in median family income includes families who are black. I also explained that the unparalleled rise in stock market values have served to increase the value of retirement packages, which includes blacks.
Learning to live on less was the new normal according to Obama; but during President Trump’s first seven months in office, job growth per month for blacks alone was 40 percent higher than the monthly average under Obama. I explained to the women that illegal aliens steal jobs from low-skilled blacks, and that President Trump was changing that dynamic.
I explained the importance of President Trump’s success in neutralizing the North Korean threat. I asked the women: “If world leaders were so enamored with Obama and held him in such high esteem, why didn’t they release American hostages and send back the remains of American military?” President Trump accomplished both without using American taxpayers money as coercion. I explained why his renegotiating NAFTA and why his tax cuts were of huge benefit to all U.S. workers including blacks.
Failing to advance their unspoken but insinuated assertion that President Trump wasn’t making America great again, one of the women wheeled out the “feelings” card. Unable to debate me on facts, she opined in a whiney voice eerily similar to Christine Blasey Ford, that she didn’t like the way he talked about some people. I assured her that most of America, my family and I included, were completely unfazed by President Trump’s straightforward talk. My point being that warm and fuzzy feelings were not an economic plan.
President Trump is neither a politician nor a lawyer. He is a blue-collar billionaire who speaks as We the People speak around our dinner tables. He wasn’t elected play “kissy poo,” he was elected to turn America around and keep us safe.
I asked the women what politically correct speech had done for them under Obama? I asked them to tell me what it meant to them when they heard Hillary Clinton promise to take America back to what it was? I asked if they wanted less money in their paychecks, coupled with high unemployment? I asked if they wanted open borders where illegal aliens were stealing jobs and financial resources? I asked them to explain to me specifically what progressives had done to make America better.
Those women and people like them equated success with warm, fuzzy feelings and good intentions – despite having an Obama economy that was only marginally better than that of a third world country. They were blinded to the reality of how bad things were because the ramifications of poor government weren’t fully realized.
I don’t care about President Trump’s tweets and I do not care about his lack of political correctness. I care that he is “Making America Great Again.” Which, as I said to the women that evening, is exactly why he is right for America.
Now fast forward to where we are today. The economy, jobs, historic low unemployment, unprecedented stock market growth which translates into massive increases in retirement packages, historic employment levels for blacks, women and Hispanics, national security, increased pay for our military, foreign nations paying their fair share of international involvements such as NATO, unprecedented trade agreements that are equitable to America such as the just agreed upon trade agreement(s) with China and much more are a direct result of President Trump’s pro-America vision and dogged tenacity in the face of unparalleled personal attacks on both him, his family and members of his administration.
I hope those young women remember our conversation from that evening and realize they are better off with Donald Trump as President than they have been under any president in their lifetime. That said, only those who truly subscribe to a fabian socialist society can argue Has not made America great again. And it is only those who fully subscribe to a fabian socialist society who would not want that to continue.
This is why we must make sure President Trump is reelected. President Trump being reelected is critically important to single women with children specifically if they are black; because he has increased their standard of living by creating jobs, increased incomes and retirement packages – not by promising food stamps.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here