‘Word’ Used By Robert Byrd Defines Omar and Tlaib

One of the most highly revered Democrat leaders in history, the late Senator Robert Bird (W-VA), said he “had seen and knew lots of white ones.” Despite the best efforts of liberal apparatchiks masquerading as fact-checkers, to claim otherwise, it’s a fact one of those who eulogized Byrd when he died in 2010 – epitomizes one of the “white ones” Byrd referenced. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.
As a child, both my late grandmother and my late mother explained to me that, “a lowdown, common, dirty person” was the definition of the particular “word” the late Democrat Senator Byrd employed multiple times on cable news programming between 2001 and 2005.
I’m not being pedantic when I say, that I have a fairly vice-like grip, i.e., command of the English language. The fact that feral liberals with usable lexicons of fewer than two hundred words accuse me of same, because I speak in properly constructed, grammatically correct sentences sans their usage of “da for the, dem for them, and dose for those.”
Thus, when I employ the “word” the late Senator Bird correctly used in referencing the “white ones” he knew, which I argue is descriptive of the Democrat Party at large, I’m not being boorish. I am however, using the “word” that Democrats are responsible for turning into a skin color pejorative. I sardonically applaud Byrd’s words as truth about his fellow Democrats that was long past due.
The “word” I’m referencing is the best and most appropriate descriptive of Moslem Democrats Ilhan Omar (MN) and Rashida Tlaib (MI); albeit the “word” is extendable to Moslems who are beheading, raping, pillaging, every single part of the world they infest.
Without exception when the truth about them is openly voiced in a public forum, they predictably sniffle, feign offense, and shed crocodile tears. This is exactly act Tlaib and Omar put on when Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), truthfully referenced Omar as being akin to a violent foreign terrorist. Rep. Boebert’s truthful statement evoked a teary-eyed jeremiad that showcased an acting ability, which was as pathetic as Richard (I’ll never call that guy Rachel) Levine being made a four-star Admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service.
Rushing to the cameras to show support in opposition to the truth being told about Omar, were other Democrats who by definition are the “word” the late Senator Byrd used. They included Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and Pramila Payapal (D-WA). Of course Nancy Pelosi, who is the dictionary picture of the “word” Democrat Robert Byrd used, wasted no time promising retaliatory action as punishment for truth telling.
Evidence appears to support the allegations that Omar married her brother to gain entrance into the United States. Thus, it is most certainly fair to question how often the godless marriage was consummated and which of the children she has did her brother father. Tlaib is a godless, uncouth, foulmouthed stain on humanity.
Both Omar and Tlaib are rabid anti-Semites have habitually engaged in anti-Semitism from the floor of Congressional buildings since they took office. But, that doesn’t stop them from demanding Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg eradicate anything they determine to be anti-Moslem from Facebook.
Omar and Tlaib are heinous anti-Semites who would have you forget the unimpeachable facts I wrote in my syndicated op-ed: There are about 400 recognized terrorist groups in the world. Over 90 percent of these are Islamist groups. Over 90 percent of the current world fighting involves Islamist terror movements. The vast majority of world terrorism is religiously motivated by Islam. … This includes Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Indonesia, all of the Emirates, Sudan, Philippines, India, Libya, Algeria, Malaysia, Spain, Morocco, Yemen, Syria, Tunisia, Jordan and, finally, what they call the “occupied territory” – Israel.
The only thing that has changed since I wrote the facts in that article is, we now have those who are the definition of the “word” Democrat leader Robert Byrd used, holding Congressional office.
The “word” Senator Robert Byrd used most assuredly describes those in the Democrat Party in which he spent his entire life. Those who murdered over 3,000 innocent Americans September 11, 2001, those who murdered Tyrone Woods and others September 11, 2012 in Benghazi and those who beheaded the late reporter Danny Pearl are murderous representatives of the “word” Byrd used. (See: ‘BDS’ Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib)
Those who are perverted pedophiles like the satanic heathen Muhammad they call a prophet was by definition the “word” Democrat Senator Robert Byrd used. Those Moslems who murder and then sodomize Americans Biden has abandoned in Afghanistan are the epitome of the “word” Senator Byrd used.
Omar and Tlaib are Erebusic and morally opprobrious; identifying them as the poster anti-Semite Moslems for the definition of the “word” the late Democrat Senator, Robert Byrd said he knew, is in perfect keeping with the character of those two Moslems and all Moslems like them mentioned here within.
If they like, I’m willing to sit down face-to-face and explain to them in even greater detail, why an eternity of unimaginable suffering awaits them if they don’t turn from the ways Byrd’s “word” rightly defines.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here