‘I Feel the Presence of The Lord’  

"I Feel The Presence of The Lord" is a personal collection of devotions intended to encourage the reader to seek and see the Lord in every aspect of their life.
The enemy of our souls would have us subscribe to the mentality of being endlessly busy, and therefore it being excusable to relegate God to a Sunday morning church service, if that. Thus, many in our churches today are powerless Christians and/or Christians in whom faith and fellowship with God is sorely wanting.
I Feel The Presence of The Lord is not just a book to be read as part of our daily devotions. It is a collection of thoughts and instructions to inspire the reader to meditate upon the Lord and His Word.

It's not journalism

December 1, 2011

I’m not sure George Stephanopoulos was ever a true journalist, but for the sake of argument let’s say he was. With that admission, any semblance of a journalistic integrity went out of the window with his interview of Ginger White, the poor, confused, train wreck of a woman, on Good Morning America.

Stephanopoulos asked White: “Has [Herman Cain] given you money?” White acknowledged that Herman had. She was then asked “On what occasions?” White replied that she had received “gifts and money for the last two and a half years consistently.” To which she was then asked: “Did [Herman] ask anything in return for that money?” White’s reply: “No. This was nothing-this was not sex for cash.”

Stop!! Stop the bleeping press!! What was it for then? Here is where journalistic integrity should have kicked in – the very next question should have been “What was it for?” But instead, he immediately asked about the phone calls.

Look, you know I like Herman Cain, but I also owe you and my worldwide audience the respect of journalistic integrity. You trust me to give you the unvarnished truth, however painful and uncomplimentary. I’m a writer of opinion, but that doesn’t change my obligation to you, that I maintain my high level of honesty when presenting said opinions. Stephanopoulos left same in the shredder with his unused commentaries.

I submit he didn’t pursue the money White was given, because he didn’t want the viewers to get the idea that Herman was telling the truth when he said he had just helped her financially. Let’s jump ahead for a moment – she claimed further along in the interview that: “And, you know, have I had financial problems? Absolutely. Have I ever been evicted? Never.”

Had I been conducting the interview, I would have immediately circled her receipt of money form Herman to tie these things together. My questions would have been but Ms. White something doesn’t fit together here. First of all, you were by your own admission in dire financial conditions. And, you’ve acknowledged that the money was just a gift. Was it a gift to help you out of the crisis you were in? Which is what Mr. Cain emphatically acknowledges that’s all it was.

I would have asked her how she could claim she had never been evicted, when newspapers including The Washington Post, The LA Times, The New York Times, CBS News online, The Daily Mail – UK, and dozens of others were all not only reporting she had been evicted at least five or six times in the past two years – but that she had just been evicted this November for being nine months behind on her rent. Were all of the papers lying? I would have asked if she forgot she had just been evicted? I would have asked if she wasn’t telling the truth about something that basic, how could we believe her account of what happened between she and Herman?


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And specific to that point, it is must be mentioned that there has been no mention of she and Herman sleeping together. It has been inferred, but when she was presented with the opportunity to explain the so-called affair, she has not once specifically said they had a sexual relationship. She said it was inappropriate because he was married, but what does that mean? I can tell you it sure doesn’t have to mean they slept together. I can personally point to any number of times that I have had dinner with a very dear female friend and and it was purely platonic. Could it be made to be made more by prying eyes, well of course – but the fact remains it wasn’t? Anne Coulter points out that if texts and phone calls in the middle of the night were tantamount to an affair she was having affairs as she spoke.

Stephanopoulos should have explored in depth what she did with the money Herman gave her? She was nine months behind on her rent, so it seems unlikely she was using it pay her lease. She should have been questioned about the now confirmed reports of her sexual relationship with her former business partner and did that preference have anything to do with her three divorces? My reason for asking about that would go toward her repeated avoidance of admitting to a sexual relationship with Herman.

A true journalist may not like putting forth hard questions, but they ask them. I don’t believe in gotcha journalism – I endeavor to ask straightforward questions, and that is the very least he could have done. But, instead he boasted as a tease for his show, that his interview with her could end Herman’s candidacy. He was proud of the fact that he might be the one to slay the Herman candidacy. That my friends is not journalism, and Stephanopoulos is no journalist, he is a political hack wannabe.

She referenced the legal action taken against her by her former business partner and now revealed lover, as “emotional” and “upsetting.” She said that she didn’t think her dealings with her partner was unlike “any other business that may have had…disputes or disagreements.” The problem with is, that she was charged with stalking her business partner. There was a lawsuit and there was a protective order sworn against her. All of this goes to the stability of White, which is very much a part of the conversation when she is attempting to indict through innuendo, another person.

She said it has been hard for her since she came out. She said that she’s “been absolutely humiliated and embarrassed” and that “it’s been very, very hurtful.” Well, hell’s bells, how does she think its been for the man who tried to help her? How does she think its been for his family?

Anne Coulter traces these accusers to Obama hatchet man, David Axelrod. In each of Obama’s bids for public office at some point accusations of abuse and sexual impropriety were part of his arsenal. There is no question that Obama would have lost his state seat had it not been for the use of sexual accusations that led to his opponent dropping out of the race. The same was prevalent in his bid for the US Senate.

The real offense in all of this is that the media, with straight faces, pretend not to know what I have just shared with you. That is dishonest. They are purposefully trying to destroy Herman Cain and we need to ask why. My belief is that it is because he represents the threat of a new day in Washington. He is a threat because he truly represents we the people. He is an outsider, his is not a party hack, his family doesn’t seek public acclaim. Herman in truth is interested in turning the country around.

They are using every dirty trick in their arsenal against him. But there is one thing I believe and that is that the people of America can identify character assault when they see it. I have had dozens of people write me or tell me that they looked at the attacks on Herman and they just made no sense. His entire career and all of the attacks emanate from a three-year period as head of the National Restaurant Association, which happens to have its offices in Obama’s back yard. There are also professional writers and pundits such as myself who also know that Republican apparatchiks are involved, as I have outlined on this blog.

I am doing all I can to encourage Herman Cain to stay in the race. Any candidate that they are fighting against this hard and using the tricks they are using against him, is either satan himself or a monumental threat to the way business is done. I believe it is the latter. They don’t attack a man this viciously and this early in a campaign unless they fear him and his supporters.

As for Ginger White, I feel sorry for her that she has taken the kind acts of a friend and turned it against him. As she gloated, saying: “the funny thing about Herman Cain is, never in a million years did he probably think I would speak out on this.” She said this immediately after she was asked if the recent phone calls and texts had anything to do with his attempting to gain her silence? Her answer to that was they hadn’t. I’m guessing that what they had to do with, was her being coached to establish recent contact to set him up. Now who do we think would do that? Why would they do it? What would she stand to gain for doing it?

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Mychal Massie

About the Author

Mychal Massie

Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here

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Matthew 28:1-10 (KJV)