‘I Feel the Presence of The Lord’  

"I Feel The Presence of The Lord" is a personal collection of devotions intended to encourage the reader to seek and see the Lord in every aspect of their life.
The enemy of our souls would have us subscribe to the mentality of being endlessly busy, and therefore it being excusable to relegate God to a Sunday morning church service, if that. Thus, many in our churches today are powerless Christians and/or Christians in whom faith and fellowship with God is sorely wanting.
I Feel The Presence of The Lord is not just a book to be read as part of our daily devotions. It is a collection of thoughts and instructions to inspire the reader to meditate upon the Lord and His Word.

Ilhan Omar Can’t Leave Country Because of The Sins of her Father

The pathetic gaggle of Democrat women who have cursed and engaged in vicious ad hominem attacks against President Trump, his wife and children, are now playing the race-card because he tweeted that if they don’t like it here they can go back to where they came from. Based upon their feigned insult, I’ve termed them the “Sob-Sisters.”

The bottom line is that this is just more Democrat theater. These reprobate harridans are a disgrace. But their lack of morality is in perfect keeping with being a Democrat.

President Trump is right, let them leave Congress and go back to wherever their respective districts are and actually prove they can fix the problems in the bastions of violence and squalor in the districts they represent. But, these are Democrats; the only skill set their kind possess is complaining and whining that their inability to accomplish anything substantive is because of their skin color and/or gender.

I am prepared to argue that it is impossible for a moral person to be a Democrat; and there is no way on earth that a true born-again Christian can be a Democrat. That person is either lying to themselves or they are lying to the Democrats.

Tangential to the point I am making, even if President Trump didn’t realize that Ilhan Omar was the only one of the “Sob-Sisters” not born in America, and it’s unmitigated stupidity to suggest that were the case, I can understand why Ilhan Omar, who should be thrown out of the country as the mountain of evidence continues to grow proving she committed immigration fraud to illegally gain entrance into our country, would be upset.

I digress to say, consider the moral failing of a woman that mounting evidence appears to conclude married and consummated a marriage to her brother for purposes of cheating immigration laws; a woman who then divorced him and married another man. What kind of ungodly household must her children be growing up in? But as I said, I digress.

President Trump is right and I am positive that patriotic Americans agree with him; if her kind so dislikes the traditions and values we enjoy in America, let them and her go back to whatever failed society they came from. Why should we have to support them?

Ahhh, but therein is the rub isn’t it; because thanks to Jim Hoff over at The Gateway Pundit for breaking the news that confirmed my belief, that apples do not fall far from the tree. (See: Revealed: Ilhan Omar’s Father and Other Somalian War Crimes Perpetrators Now Living Illegally in the U.S.; Jim Hoff; The Gateway Pundit; 7/15/2019)

Omar can’t leave and return to where she wants even though she hates America and hates us. That’s because she would in all probability become a hostage or kidnap bait to entice her father into the open. She could even end up the victim of revenge murder.

As The Gateway Pundit revealed: “Omar’s father, Nur Omar Mohamed, is connected to the former dictator in Somalia, Said Barre. Nur, and other former Barre accomplices, are living in the U.S. illegally.” But it get’s better: “Omar’s father Mohamed, is living in the U.S. and connected to another Somalian, Yusuf Abdi Ali, who killed thousands for Barre. Barre was a dictator and was connected to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Ali is a convicted war criminal who did the killing himself.”

The Gateway Pundit reveals that: “Omar’s father, was a party propagandist under the dictator [Barre] and was responsible for ‘ideological’ aspects of the Red-Green revolution. This included providing the ideological/political justification for the massacres of the late eighties. Both Ali and Nur were able to escape after the fall of Barre.”

As you can readily imagine, when Barre the murderous dictator who oversaw the slaughter of his own people was overthrown, Omar’s father and his accomplice(s) had to leave and leave quickly. Naturally when they falsified their documents to obtain entrance into the United States, they conveniently hid the fact that they were butchers who worked for the totalitarian regime.

Now we know why Omar, the bitter “Sob-Sister,” is so incensed over the very reasonable suggestion that if she is so offended by America, go elsewhere. She cannot leave because the list of those desiring retribution for the acts her father and his comrade committed has to be very long.

Her father was an oppressor who contributed to the murdering of thousands of her own people in her country. Nothing convinces me that there are revenge seekers lying in wait for the opportune moment to make her father pay for his satanic crimes by snatching her and/or doing her harm.

Her father is a propagandist who was responsible with his comrade for the slaughter of his own people. Do you think for an instant she gives a rat’s tail about America? It’s a genetic predisposition for her to lie, deceive and betray the people of the country that took her in.

Omar is a liar sired by a liar and her children were bred into that gene pool. Omar is a prisoner and it’s reasonable to believe that she has grown up with the shadow of retribution hanging over her head like the sword of Damocles. Because you can bet that somewhere there are people who want to revenge the atrocities her father helped commit. And if they cannot get her they’ll take one of her children. Muslims carry grudges like people carry wallets.

And while there is something to be said for Kismet, she is not the first politician in America with a dubious background, who has a family given over to committing acts of aggression against entire groups of people.

As reported in September 2013, Obama was the first American president to have a family member on a terrorist watch list. “According to Egyptian newspaper and television reports, Malik Obama [Obama’s brother] has become a target in an Egyptian government terrorist investigation because of his…[involvement with] the Muslim Brotherhood.” (See: Egypt Eyes Obama’s Brother For Terrorist List; Jerome Corsi; wnd.com)

As I wrote September 6, 2013: We should be raising questions about Omar. But, as was and is the case with Obama, so too it is with Omar. Congress nor the biased anti-President Trump media will do their jobs.

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Mychal Massie

About the Author

Mychal Massie

Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here

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Matthew 28:1-10 (KJV)