Hey Google: Here’s Spit In Your Eye

“Under pressure from protest groups and progressive advocates, Google is kicking website’s that are not approved by Google (or their cancel culture masters) from their ad platforms – preventing the ability to earn revenue on their websites.” (Google Throws Out First Amendment: Decides What You Can and Cannot Write; blabberbuzz; 6/17/2020)
This is precisely why The Daily Rant (TDR) accepts no money from PACs, political parties, political operatives, political campaigns, and the like. It is also the reason I made the decision to no longer run google ads or ads from any other ad source service several years ago. No one tells me what to say and or who to say it to. Anyone that doesn’t like the truth I speak and/or the way I and my contributors say same, is free to go elsewhere.
I answer to my God. I do not answer to godless infidels who celebrate and extol divisive, anti-American subversives who are reprobate and amoral.
I will not have the truth held hostage out fear of losing income. Google, Yahoo, Constant Contact et al boast of being free-speech minded. However, the truth is they are not for free speech; they are for anarchistic speech that promotes a pernicious toxicity that leads to riots, mayhem, and socialism.
My message will not be owned, bought or paid for. When you read TDR you may not always agree with my contributors and/or I, but you have no question regarding the genuineness of our position.
I will not be told by Google ads or anyone else that my reporting facts: “Violated its policy against monetizing content that promotes hatred, intolerance, violence or discrimination based on race. When a page or site violates our policies, we take action. In this case, we’ve removed both sites’ ability to monetize with Google.” (See: Google Throws Out First Amendment: Decides What You Can and Cannot Write; blabberbuzz; 6/17/2020)
I say what I mean and mean what I say. I am intractably committed to producing truthful, factual commentary and opinion that you can depend upon. I produce same to weaponize you with truth and fact, so that you are equipped to recognize the political and social lies; and so you can speak against them.
Those who know me personally or who have met me, know that I am ferociously passionate in my belief that Godly men and women carrying the caduceus of truth and the scepter righteousness of the Lord cannot be defeated. Their message will go forth and achieve that which God has purposed.
At TDR, we are not ashamed of the Word of God; for we know and believe as the Apostle Paul stated: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth…” (Romans 1:16 KJV)
TDR is committed to bringing unwavering conservative fact from an unapologetic Christian perspective.
TDR is 100 percent donor funded and I thank you for that. My colleagues at other sites are losing massive amounts of necessary income from google ads et al; because they dare to speak truth about the cannibalistic barbarian terrorist hate-groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. This means that they must make decisions based upon requisite income needs pursuant to what news to address and how far to pursue the truth. It means that my colleagues must find sponsors to support their reporting of certain news. That means they must present same in a way that pleases the underwriter for that/those particular stories.
At TDR I made the decision to place honor to God and truth above all else. I am free to share my passion for America and my belief that by the Grace of God, Americans can still be a powerful force.
I believe there are many people in America who know the truth, but who are afraid to speak out for fear of being attacked. I believe there are many people in America who are waiting to hear someone such as myself, speak the truth of God as it pertains to skin color, family, government, military, civility, etc. fearlessly with authority and passion.
TDR exists to encourage, inform, and to combat the heinous, demonic, and divisive lies of skin-color politics. TDR exists to speak truth in power and authority with respect to corrupt political constructs. I am not afraid. I am willing to speak the truth and condemn the powers who endeavor to destroy America by destroying the family, the church, the military, and the schools.
Ultimately there is an end coming for those who will be left behind; but until that day, we are to persevere, i.e., push on boldly and confidently in Christ. That is the mission and calling of TDR.
TDR is your voice and your partner in the battle. That said, I believe in leading from the front. I’ve seen children of satan lifting clinched fists in anarchistic rebellion. You and I lift our hands and voices to God in condemnation of all who seek to destroy our great nation and all who seek to lead people away from the “Truth” by falsely claiming to be Christian.
Christians do not celebrate the murder of children; Christians do not celebrate sexual sin of any kind, not least of which sexual sin that claims God made a mistake in what they were born. Christians do not bow and cower to the evil machinations of godless government leaders.
Christians stand and follow the examples of Moses, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Peter and Paul, who resisted godless corruption with threat to their beings. Christians follow the examples of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Robert E. Lee, Abraham Lincoln, Booker T. Washington, and Frederick Douglass.
We follow the example of Christ.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here