Angels of Light by RoseAnn Salanitri

The Bible tells us that Angels of Light parade as the most glorious of creatures but harbor deep evil intent, just as the original Angel of Light – Lucifer. And like their progenitor, Lucifer, they deceive many, especially those who do not look beyond their superficial presentation.
Perhaps one of the most well-known and notable Angels of Light is Bill Gates. Last year I watched a documentary on Netflix about the life of the multi-multi-billionaire. It told of his early childhood years being raised by a politically active mother and a father who served on the original board of Planned Parenthood. The rest of the documentary focused on his meant-to-be relationship with Melinda Gates and his philanthropy in Africa, specifically how he funded and initiated water programs that were sorely needed. However, nothing was said about his African vaccination program that sterilized poor African girls, or left poor Asian Indians paralyzed. Nor was anything reported about his endeavors with Common Core education standards that at best confused students but mostly robbed them of proper academic studies, all while his own children attended private schools. If all you knew about the man was what you watched on Netflix, you would come away praising his commitment to humankind as an altruistic angel. But like the original angel of light, the heart behind the globalist persona is nothing less than evil.
Oh that Gates were the only one! However, that is not the case. As God continues to uncover clandestine associations literally hell-bent on destroying the Land of the Free, it seems more are being uncovered every day. Elaine Chao, the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may well qualify.
After hearing about Chao’s Chinese connections, I embarked on my own research. At first I thought the pundits must be crazy. By most accounts the Taiwanese born Mrs. McConnell is smart, beautiful, accomplished and dedicated to serving – a very extra-ordinary woman. One might even say she has earned her wings here on earth. But then I remembered the Gates’ documentary and how that painted him with glowing colors. So, I decided to dig deeper. I began with her younger sister, Angela, who in 2016 was appointed to a position on the Bank of China’s Board of Directors , the fourth largest bank in the world. Given the talents of Mrs. McConnell, it shouldn’t be any surprise that her sister is also extra-ordinary, but the Chinese connections don’t stop there.
Mrs. McConnell’s father Joseph, gave his son-in-law Mitch a gift ranging between $5,000,000 to $25,000,000. Dr. James Chao, who was born in Shanghai Republic of China in 1927 and subsequently moved to Taiwan in 1949, is a legendary philanthropist and another extra-ordinarily accomplished Chao family member. His maritime career is unparalleled, as is his professional career which includes the founding of the Foremost Maritime Corp, which evolved into The Foremost Group, a New York City trading and finance enterprise that is a leader in global shipping, where Chao now sits as Honorary Chairman, earning him induction into the Maritime Hall of Fame at the United Nations in New York City. Presently, his daughter Angela Chao (who also sits on the Bank of China’s Board of Directors) serves as Chairman and CEO of the Foremost Group, evidencing the family’s continued connections with both the Foremost Group and the CCP.
But everything that glitters is not gold. Further digging revealed that Chao built ships in China with CCP loans, and it has been reported by NTD News that Dr. Chao’s chairmanship with the CCP indicate that his Chinese connections run deep – facts which Elaine Chao McConnell did not disclose to the Senate when going through the appointment process for her many high-ranking government positions, nor did she disclose that she was made an international advisor in Wuhan (of all places).
To be sure, Elaine Chao McConnell may appear to be an angel, but we should be asking what kind of an angel is she? And if she happens not to be of the same persuasion as Michael or Gabriel, how has she managed to keep her nefarious alliances under wraps for so long?
Perhaps the answer lies with another possible cabal member, Carlos Slim, a billionaire who in 2009 became the largest shareholder of the New York Times, an American mogul that also works with HUAWEI, a Chinese telecom company. This would certainly explain the NYT’s silence on the matter. Or maybe another possible cabal member, Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon who also acquired the Washington Post in 2013, which openly accepts advertising from the CCP would explain why this news organization who investigated Trump ad nauseum never printed anything about Mrs. McConnell’s Chinese connections. Or maybe another possible cabal member, such as NBC, who in 2010 signed an agreement with Xinhua News Agency (the CCP’s media) supposedly to establish cooperation in international news business intentionally did not report any of Mrs. McConnell’s Chinese connections. Or perhaps another possible cabal member, such as CMC Capital Partners, a Beijing investment group that acquired ownership of NBC Universals Oriental Dreamworks, deliberately kept silent. Or perhaps another possible cabal member like Mike Bloomberg, who over the years backed 364 Chinese Companies, deliberately kept silent about Mrs. McConnell’s Chinese connections.
We may never know just how deep China has infiltrated our media, financial organizations, maritime organizations, or our government, but we do know that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And to be sure, there’s plenty of smoke permeating the once hallowed halls of America. It certainly would explain why the swamp so desperately needs to get rid of President Trump, the one man who put America first at the expense of the CCP.
About the Author
RoseAnn Salanitri
RoseAnn Became politically active during the Clinton presidency when government interference began to negatively impact the education system. Her experience in fighting Goals 2000 helped her to understand the pitfalls of government-run schools along with all of its social and moral indoctrinations. Additionally, her experience within the Creation Science speakers circuit helped her to understand the impact the teaching of evolution has had on our youth and on our government, which eventually led her to found Veritas Christian Academy, a Christian high school in Sussex County, NJ. In 2009, she founded the Sussex County Tea Party Patriots (now called Skylands Tea Party), and was a founding board member as well as President for the NJ Tea Party Caucus and founding member for NJ Tea Parties United. In the past, she and Pastor Stephen Nash co-founded The Black Robe Regiment of NJ, which was comprised of politically motivated church leaders and pastors. From 2005-2011, she served as both Contributing and Acquisitions Editor for the NJ Family Policy's yearly flagship publication, Family Magazine, where she met the Rev. Dr. Gloria Harris, whom she would go on to co-host a local tv/radio show with. After which, she co-hosted a radio show with state Senator Richard LaRossa, as well as briefly co-hosting "Bordering Insanity" with retired INS agent, Mike Cutler. Currently, she has launched a Christian "counterpoint" initiative with Pastor Doug Thuen that is designed to equip the younger generation to face the biblical and cultural challenges of our days.