Blacks and Police (What Doesn’t Get Said)

The following is from my 2015 eBook titled, “Blacks Are Victims: Because They’re Told they Are.” I share it today because it these words need to be heard again.
As every military person who has been in a war zone and every police officer know, and will admit if they are honest, sensitivity for the sake of sensitivity can often get you killed. Ask homeowners who were sensitive to the believed plight of a stranger — and found themselves raped, robbed, and oftentimes battered by the very person they were kind to — what being sensitive did for them. Ask military veterans who found themselves missing limbs or wounded by a bullet fired from a child whose needs they thought they were being sensitive to. Ask the police officer who was being sensitive to the needs of a battered spouse only to find they themselves were injured by the battered spouse as the officer tried to arrest the batterer.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, you hear a new one. Recently I heard someone who did not like the way a police officer questioned them after the officer had happened upon them parked alongside the road. Because the officer was, if they are to be believed, rude and discourteous, they are now trying to institute that all police officers be forced to take sensitivity training. Here’s a news flash: Police are not there to be sensitive per the definition of the politically correct. They are there to protect and serve. When was the last time a liberal and/or people in the community demanded that the public take sensitivity training so they are better able to understand what it is like for police officers?
I won’t win any popularity awards for saying this but it is my opinion that store/business owners and staff have the right to pay close attention to someone who in their experience may be (and I do say “may be”) a threat to them and/or their customers. If the day before a black person wearing a hoody in the middle of summer, with dreadlocks sticking out, walked into their store browsed around for a few moments before pulling a weapon, beating and robbing them that store owner has the right to and should pay attention to those coming into their store. And, it would be foolish to suggest the store/business owner not pay closer attention to a person who looks like the person(s) who has repeatedly robbed them than the person who walks in neat and well kept who proceeds to shoplift the place clean.
As I have said many times, in this day and age, no police officer, or business owner is going to go out of their way to purposely and unjustly accuse or racially profile a black person. Not with knowing that Al Sharpton is waiting in the wings for another payday in just such an occurrence.
But many black people want it both ways. They want to look, dress, and behave like the very people who have beaten and robbed store owners but they do not want to be watched because they closely look, act, and resemble the criminals. If blacks do not like being profiled as we are led to believe they are, then I suggest that they do more to disassociate themselves from the characteristics and behavior that imitates criminal behavior. But here again blacks are encouraged to be victims. Behave in a boorish, threatening manner and when they are watched, questioned, or searched based on suspicion of criminal behavior scream “It’s because I’m black.”
Profiling for the purposes of observing those exhibiting patterns of behavior associated with criminal behavior is not racial profiling. And since, as statistics show, blacks are more likely to show said patterns, my suggestion would not be for sensitivity training for police officers but for blacks to focus on acceptable social behavior instead of demanding they be allowed to behave as they want with impunity.
When a police officer comes upon a situation regardless of whether it is a couple parked along the road standing outside their vehicle, a traffic stop, or an accident scene, and correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe their first initiative should be to make sure the scene/area is secure (the definition of secure being based on the situation at hand).
Police are trained to ask questions; our responsibility is to comply. And if we truly believe our rights have been violated we should keep our mouths shut, observe and remember as much information as possible and when we are permitted to, leave and immediately contact our lawyers. But challenging a police officer on the side of the road is a one-way ticket to spending time at the police station or even in jail.
I’m not saying police are perfect. They are human beings, not automatons. Police have the same problems that you and I have plus they work in a profession where, in many neighborhoods the people would rather see an exponential increase in hemorrhagic fever than a police cruiser driving down the street. They know that they wear targets on their chests and backs; and that anyone who is so inclined can make their lives a living hell. But, specific to that point, said accompanies their chosen career field.
Police officers hear more lies than a school teacher hears pursuant to why homework and/or class assignments aren’t completed on time. Perhaps you are telling the officer the truth, but nine out of ten of the people he has interacted with that morning have lied to him and have been caught in their lies, so hearing you say something similar, even though you know you’re telling the truth, is simply not going to be accepted at face value. Get upset with the other people who squirreled it for you — do not get upset because the officer did his job and chose not to just take your word for things.
It is also important to remember that police, like school teachers, have heard it all many times over. The fact that they give anyone a break is significant in and of itself. I’ve never been a police officer, but many of my close friends are. Police officers on duty would take meal breaks such as they got them at my home. I have personally witnessed police officers give a break to an ordinary person for driving under the influence (and by ordinary I do not mean politicians or so-called bigwigs nor does it mean the officer permitted the driver to continue driving).
In 2009, blacks comprised 25 percent of New York’s population yet they accounted for 55 percent of “stop and frisks” with the white population accounting for 10 percent of “stop and frisks.” This sounds as if blacks are targeted or singled out until you learn that during that same period blacks committed 66 percent of all violent crimes including 80 percent of shootings. Whites committed 5 percent of violent crimes during that period. Based on those numbers it is hard to say blacks were misunderstood and wrongly stopped. And let me add one more thought. I have spent considerable time going in and out of New York in 2009, and I wasn’t stopped and frisked, nor was I always in a coat and tie. Most blacks were not stopped and frisked, but I would bet the bank that for those who were it was based on behavior, age, gang associated clothing, certain types of tattoos, time of day and location, frequency seen in a bad area, or a new face in a bad area.
There are times things go horribly wrong during police investigations. Innocent people end up being injured or even mortally wounded. But, if police are trying to secure a scene, you are probably the only person who is fully cognizant of your intentions. The police officer cannot be sure of your intentions. It can lead to a tragic outcome because if a person makes a sudden move, that move can get them beaten and/or shot. In any situation, our responsibility is to follow the directive of the police officer until the situation is under control, and the officer understands there is no threat. Which in instances when the officer has been wrong they have paid with their lives or severe injury.
I believe the penchant for accommodating the idea that police are roaming the streets, malls, and back roads looking for an innocent black person to violate and falsely accuse is nonsense. And giving credence to situations before the facts are fully known lead us to Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, the Duke University lacrosse team, and Jena, Louisiana.
Without a doubt, there are bad or rogue cops just as there are bad doctors and priests. But if it is unfair to lump all blacks into the category of those in the overwhelming groupage of serial offenders and violent offenders, then I submit it is equally wrong to ascribe to every police officer who is perhaps discourteous and seemingly insensitive at a particular moment of being corrupt. Jeffrey Dahmer was a homosexual cannibal: does that make all homosexuals murdering cannibals?
In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need more than ceremonial police. But we do not live in a perfect world. I should also say that claiming police wouldn’t treat a white person in a particular way is simply the black victim trump card. I have witnessed and have had heard about the very same type of behavior exhibited toward whites. The fact that it may not be to the extent that it is with blacks would indicate to me that many black people need to clean up their act and behave in a socially acceptable way.
But rather than conform their behavior to acceptable societal norms, blacks would rather seek pity and/or blame every instance of perceived or real slight on the color of their skin. There is a difference between racial profiling and criminal profiling. People would be fools to ignore the very real threat that many Muslims pose. And blacks are foolish to think that the aberrant behavior of many doesn’t have a detrimental influence on the whole.
But blacks and their liberal enablers would rather ignore that inconvenient truth because it doesn’t fit their dialogue. Because to do otherwise would decrease their victim status.
Once again unwitting and unthinking blacks are led down the paths of victimology. Young blacks are not encouraged to dress in a suitable manner (and yes I am saying that hoodies, dirty poorly done faux dreadlocks, tattoos head to toe, night-gown length tee- shirts, pants pulled below the curve of their behinds, and an adornment of the latest cheap gaudy faux jewelry is not suitable fashion sense). And for those blacks who say are quick to argue that they don’t dress that way, I say “How does it feel to be stereotyped?” And before said blacks decry that as unfair, permit me to ask, if it is unfair, then why is it fair for blacks to stereotype whites?
The obvious point being that appearances manner. And appearances contribute to self esteem. But the race-mongers don’t want to discuss that factoid. Blacks are encouraged to portray the lowest common denominator and then told to call it racist-profiling when said behavior is met with suspicion and/or disdain.
Liberals can spin it and race-mongers can deny it, but there is much to be said pursuant to dressing for success and there is even more to be said pursuant to same when it comes to young people who are already lacking self-esteem. Young blacks may not acknowledge that they are lacking self-esteem but that doesn’t mean they secretly are unaware that they are.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here