My attorney forwarded me an article regarding a Michigan middle school teacher quitting his job because
Continue readingThe bastardization of history by Marxian anarchists who believe the most efficient and expeditious way
Continue readingThere's no greater example of what the failed communist construct advocated by W.E.B. Du Bois, which
Continue readingLiberals and fools while not known for being cultured – are known for their elitist self-ascribed superiority.
Continue readingYeah, yeah, yeah...I know!! White people, especially white police officers are out to get innocent
Continue readingI expected to wake up this morning to another sensational headline. So naturally, the media did not disappoint.
Continue reading No population group poses more of a threat to proponents
Continue readingWell spoke Erasmus when he put pen to the adage:“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”
Continue readingThe American version of Pravda combined with the various bureaus of agitprop find themselves feeling
Continue readingThe following was written by Wyatt Eichholz (Alabama Campus Correspondent) March 25, 2021. It proves
Continue readingOnce again, I ask that you permit me to be blunt. Democrats and liberal neo-Leninists are the reason
Continue readingNOTE: Following is update to update to this SPECIAL EDITION FRIDAY piece that I've added. Updated at
Continue readingPermit me to again quote George Kelly from his book on Personal Construct Theory, “Psychological
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