In my December 18, 2023, syndicated column, “Biden Preparing To Betray Israel on Obama’s Command,
Continue readingThe installed leader of the once-free world is deemed mentally unfit to stand trial for his alleged crimes,
Continue readingThe ruling elites, the lapdog media and those who suffer from a menticide that persuades them gullibility
Continue readingKamala Harris is a loathsome, inarticulate and utterly incompetent fraud, but at least it can be said
Continue readingLet's take a quick trip back in my "way-back machine:" It’s Black History Month, and the theme
Continue readingI'm an uncompromising, unwavering born again Christian American and ordained minister, who refuses to
Continue readingToday is the federal holiday commemorating the birthday of late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Permit me
Continue readingWhere do you lean? I assume most of my readers, if asked, would say they lean to the right and hold
Continue readingJust how many elephants and tigers are there roaming the forest and flat lands of America? The short
Continue reading "Bathhouse Barry Obama's" self-confessed sodomistic sexual
Continue readingThere are many things that can be truthfully said about Obama and none of them are flattering; unless
Continue readingIt is one thing to take military action in defense of one’s country when it is invaded or threatened
Continue readingI reported the following January 14, 2020. It warrants being shared again specifically because of the
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