Suffice it to say there exists within the population of those who boast of their ancestral heritage as
Continue readingSix shooting deaths and at least twenty plus others were shot in Chicago this past weekend alone.
Continue readingRules for thee, but not for me... Hunter Biden's laptop is in the news again. It is no big deal, though,
Continue readingIf an award were to be given for the person(s) who has done the most to destroy America from within;
Continue readingMy Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language; Second Edition; Unabridged; Copyright
Continue readingCultural-Marxist Democrats are the personification of satanic evil. Let me start with the lowest of
Continue reading So-called "Black History Month" has become a 28-day period
Continue readingSince illegal immigration became a problem back in the Reagan years, it has transformed into a political
Continue readingThe question regarding: If we are deprived of our Second Amendment rights, can denying the rights provided
Continue readingI wrote the following syndicated op-ed October 3, 2016. I share it again do to an unexpected health
Continue reading We're literally only weeks away from 2023 and we still
Continue readingThose who subscribe to my website are familiar with my weekly video called “The Video
Continue reading It's time to stop pretending that Negros aren't the source
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