It sickens me every time I hear some pompous dead from the neck up blathering meathead, pontificate about
Continue reading Sometimes we just need a good laugh. Here's your chance
Continue readingWhat will it take for those who claim to be Christians to obey God’s word and get their children out
Continue readingIf the most a NFL football player has to boast about as he faces the obscurity of leaving the game, is
Continue reading"Neither law, learning, nor religion, is addressed to any man's color or race. Science, education, the
Continue readingWhenever someone thought themselves clever by exhibiting boorish shameful behavior in public or around
Continue reading Blacks don't need a holiday; they need to stop killing
Continue readingThere are worn out old doormats, angry at the world with nothing constructive to offer or contribute
Continue reading How would the absence of white people help blacks? If no
Continue readingWith problems that most closely identify with Nazi Germany suppression of the Word of God and natural
Continue reading Celebrating the one-year anniversary of the death of George
Continue readingA friend forwarded me an article titled: ‘No Race Has Ever Done More for Another Race than White Americans
Continue reading Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced
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