The following is my syndicated column that first appeared June 27, 2022. I understand that politicians
Continue reading It's time for Christendom to wake up and stop using the
Continue readingSuffice it to say there exists within the population of those who boast of their ancestral heritage as
Continue reading How would the absence of white people help blacks? If no
Continue readingThe fixation upon the mythical and corrosive idiocy that reduces human beings to crayon colors remains
Continue reading My wife and I went to see Jason Aldean. It was an absolutely
Continue readingThere are none more stenotopic when it comes to the pursuit of rejecting modernity from cradle to grave,
Continue reading Carlee Russell caused the community she lives in many
Continue readingSix shooting deaths and at least twenty plus others were shot in Chicago this past weekend alone.
Continue readingThe easiest way to identify a hopelessly lost cause is to listen to the gurgitation of idiocy coming
Continue readingOn July 4th, 2014, I was the keynote speaker at an event held on the Gettysburg Battlefield, in Gettysburg,
Continue readingIt's time for me to be the proverbial skunk at the picnic. So without further ado, I turn on the fans
Continue readingOnly the paralyzing blindness of Satan himself, prevents so many from understanding: It cannot be overstated;
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