Facebook Calls Unimpeachable Truth Hate Speech

Before getting into the latest attempt to silence my voice, I take a moment to thank you and remind you that the following is why your comments and support are so vital to The Daily Rant. I will not be intimidated or bullied into silence by advertisers nor will I be bought off by PACs and politicos. My allegiance is to God and then you my readership and subscribers. That said, facebook doesn’t know the meaning of “respectful discussions. Any conversation that disagrees with their mantra is considered hateful and/or racist. – Mychal Massie
January 1, 2020, I wrote a post for my facebook page. But once again facebook showed just how allergic they are to the factual truth. Facebook flagged me with the following accusation: Your post goes against the Facebook Rules on hate speech. Only people who manage Mychal Massie can see this post. We have these standards because we want discussions on Facebook to be respectful.
Below following is what facebook views as hate speech. I call it the truth, but for those like facebook who hate truth, it’s easy to see why they view it as hate speech. Facebook is a disgraceful entity that steals personal information, tracks our internet movement, hates President Trump and is bitterly opposed to free speech. Especially when it exposes Obama and Clinton.
Begin reading the post facebook called hate speech:
We begin 2020 thanking God for President Trump. We thank God that as long as President Trump is President, there will never be another Benghazi. The repulsive Obama watched the [Benghazi] attack in realtime by camera equipped drones. He watched realtime as Americans were murdered to conceal and coverup Hillary Clinton’s illegal weapons running operation, that should have resulted in her being indicted and imprisoned. I cannot adequately convey my contempt for Obama, but I can shout my praise for President Trump.
President Trump loves America and is committed to keeping Americans safe and secure unlike Obama. And unlike the globalist neo-con war-monger George W. Bush, who never saw a reason not to use America lives in situations we had no business to be involved in; President Trump is not going to make up fake names like “radical-islam” to portray them as other than what they are. Islam is and always has been a terrorist warmongering cult founded upon lies of a sadistic pedophile. I’m sure facebook won’t like my choice of words but that’s because facebook is severely allergic to truth and facts.
America-hating newspapers like the New York Times should be ashamed of the agitprop they dispense, but that would require them to have shame. The rag paper in its rush to protect Moslem-terrorists and Iran, claimed the Moslem terrorists were “funeral mourners.” I ask you what kind of animals go on a murderous terrorist campaign to show they were funeral mourners? Specific to that question however, I say they are funeral mourners now because at least 25 of them were deservedly killed.
Jason Howerton @jason_howerton nailed it when he tweeted:
-13-hour attack
-No military response
-4 Americans dead
-Militiamen (or “mourners according to NYT) storm US embassy
-immediate military response
-Air support
-Marines dispatched to reinforce
-No deaths so far, thank God
Yeah, those sound exactly the same.
Taking it further what the dishonest liars, President Trump haters and schemers in the so-called media refuse to report is that the Moslem who led the attack is both befriended and supported by none other than Obama. The media won’t tell you that American taxpayers funded the dinners and accommodations for this putrid animal. But it is with enormous gratitude and thanksgiving that I say we will not see these terrorist Moslems being hosted by President Trump, unless they are part of a delegation begging mercy as they promise the cessation of all terrorism.
Begin reading Washington Examiner article here:
Obama gave White House
welcome to Iran-backed leader
of US Embassy attack in
Baghdad by Madison Dibble | January 02, 2020 11:44 AM
The man responsible for an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad joined President Barack Obama for a White House meeting in 2011.
Hadi al Amiri, the 65-year-old “point man” for the attack on the U.S. Embassy earlier this week, was one of the members of an Iraqi delegation that joined former Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki during a meeting with the Obama administration in the White House. (READ FULL ARTICLE: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/obama-gave-white-house-welcome-to-iran-backed-leader-of-us-embassy-attack-in-baghdad)
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here