How Long O’ Lord? by Robert Socha

How long, o Lord, will you keep silent forever?
Another mass shooting. And another one.
Crisis on the border.
Domestic and international diplomatic blunders. Political malfeasance.
Imminent financial ruin.
Open states. Closed states. Open countries. Closed countries.
Masks. No masks. Two masks.
Vaccines? Vaccine passports?
Secret recordings. Exposed politicians.
Community guidelines violations.
A fence still stands guard around the Capitol of these United States!
One might opportune to be overwhelmed by such rhetoric. The submissive tone coming from the highest levels of officialdom suffocates that yearning to be free, that yearning to live peaceably with all so long as it depends on us.
A prayer:
“I come to surrender.
I surrender my life to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I surrender my heart, my soul, my mind, and everything in my life to the God of Heaven and Earth and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
I lovingly and willingly submit my life to Christ.
Faithful God. Even when we are faithless, you are faithful.
Thank you for your divine protection over my life, my spouse, and my children.
Even when I walk through death’s valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with us.
I make my request known to you today as I seek your divine aid. Lord, manifest your Power to sustain us in our day of trouble. Intervene, o God, from where else does our help come? Our help comes from the Lord.
We arise by faith, o God. If you don’t help, there is no other help. My help, our help comes from you!
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart bring you praise. Create in me a clean heart, o God, and renew a right spirit within me. Prune me that I might bear more fruit. Be manifest in me.
I add to my faith, virtue; to virtue, knowledge; to knowledge, self-control; to self-control, brotherly kindness; to brotherly kindness, love. For I know if these things are mine and abound, I will never cease to be fruitful for the things of God.
I choose to abide in Christ.
With all the toxic rhetoric plaguing my eyes and ears day in and day out, I thank you, Lord, that you have renewed my mind and given me a heart of flesh. I choose love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.
Peace and rest are here in Your Presence.
O, may the glory of the Lord be revealed among us. May our hearts and minds surrender their entirety to His love and devotion. May the grace of God and His kindness lead us to repentance. May there be another great awakening where we forsake the flesh and look to Jesus, the Author, and Finisher of our faith.”
But I have trusted in your mercy; my heart rejoices in your salvation, I will sing, sing, sing to the Lord because he has dealt kindly with me.
- Scriptural references throughout, including:
- Psalm 13
- Romans 12
- 2 Corinthians 4
- Psalm 23
- Philippians 4:8
- Psalm 121
- Psalm 19
- Psalm 51
- John 15:5
- 2 Peter 1:5-9
- John 8:31-32
- 1 John 2:5-6
- Galatians 5:22-23
- Matthew 11: 28
- Hebrews 12:1-2
About the Author
Robert Socha
Robert Socha, BIO Robert Socha (so-ha), was born in southern California. He served 5 years 3 months active duty in the United States Air Force; honorably. After his service he took an Associate’s Degree in Practical Theology, where, through his studies, developed a deep love of God and Country and sincere appreciation of the value of Liberty. Robert and his beloved wife of 21-plus years are raising 4 beautiful Texan children. They moved to Hillsdale, Michigan, in 2013, to put their children in Hillsdale Academy. Robert is a sales professional. He and his wife consider Michigan a hidden gem, and absolutely love this city and state (current political environment notwithstanding) they’ve adopted.