I Agree With Robert Byrd, I’ve Seen White Ones; and Black Ones Too

Quoting Senator Robert Byrd, the late Democrat Ku Klux Klansman from West Virginia is one thing, but I could never have imagined I would both quote him and applaud him for having keen insight. However, I cannot deny the truth.
Growing up I remember my late mother explaining to me that a “nigger” was a low, common, dirty person. My late grandmother told me the same.
With said definition in mind, I quote the late Democrat Senator Byrd. During an interview with the late Tony Snow on “FoxNews Sunday,” March 4, 2001, Senator Byrd, the massively respected elder statesman of the Democrat party, responding to a question from Snow about black/white relations stated: “I think we try to have good will. My old mom told me, ‘Robert, you can’t go to heaven if you hate anybody.’ We practice that. There are white niggers. I’ve seen a lot of white niggers in my time; I’m going to use that word.” (From Transcript of FoxNews Sunday with host Tony Snow; 3/4/2001; eMediaMillWorks)
At the time, I along with many of my colleagues believed Byrd was referencing “poor white trash” in general, and Bill Clinton specifically, and I still believe that today. That said, I’m going to omit Clinton from this conversation, because he‘s low hanging fruit.
But, when it comes to the “white niggers” the Democrat elder statesman referenced, I’ll get to the black ones later, I’m certain the late Democrat Senator, Robert Byrd would agree that USWNT soccer player Megan Rapinoe personifies the definition of “white nigger/trash.”
Snopes, the left-wing online fact-checker site can dance around the truth as per their custom, but Rapinoe, the mean-spirited nasty lesbian, stepped on the American flag while it laid on the ground on foreign soil, after the American team won the Women’s World Cup of soccer in Lyon, France. And it did not bother her one bit.
She’s the loathsome pustule that the media has promoted as the face of America. But then the media itself fits my late mother and grandmother’s definition of commonality. So it’s not surprising they would gravitate to the lowest common denominator, i.e., poor “white trash.”
Rapinoe refused to honor the American Flag before the start of the women’s match, played in France, six days after the world had gathered in commemoration of the World War Two D-Day battle that saw thousands of Americans give their lives, so that decades later a spiteful, hate-filled, bitter lesbian who owes everything she has to America could disgrace herself and her team with such rancid insolence. By definition, I’m sure the late Democrat Klansman Senator Byrd would agree that makes Rapinoe lowest of “white-trash nigger” like Rapinoe.
I will not reference Hillary Clinton as a “white-trash nigger” in this piece, because she like Bill is low hanging fruit. But, I think Joy Behar of “The View” aptly fits the definition, as does Samantha Bee the host of “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.” I’m sure the late Democrat Statesman Byrd would agree that Cher and Rosie O’Donnell fit the definition as well. When it comes to raw filth and commonality few surpass these women.
During the interview I referenced, Senator Byrd did not mention “black nigger/trash” but I will. And I will begin with Ilhan Omar the Socialist Muslim Democrat (whatever ill-bred concoction that is), from Minnesota. Channeling Byrd, the late Democrat Senator, what on earth else can Omar be called, when she “allegedly” married her own brother to perpetrate immigration fraud.
This spiteful woman is alleged to have married her own brother. Is it therefore unfair to inquire how frequently the rumored marriage between she and her brother was consummated and which of her children are from which father?
Omar, who is a rabid anti-Semite, as her kind always does, accuses everyone else of being a “racist.” Most recently the petulant Muslim rumored to have incestuously married her own brother had the audacity to call Program Host Tucker Carlson a “racist fool,” for daring to tell the truth about her. It’s worth noting that if she or her kind tells you it’s daylight you better check outside to be sure.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the Democrat from New York, I personally call her “Oscar,” has the makeup of a 10-year old child with emotional issues. She is dull-witted and poorly educated but I would not at this moment refer to her as a “trash” white, black or otherwise.
As I said, nothing in my life prepared me for the somber realization that I would one day agree with the late Democrat Senator, Robert Byrd who was admired and loved by those of his party many of whom are alive today.
As long as I’m agreeing with the “Champion figure of the Democrat party”, he could not have been more correct when he said: “My old mom told me, “Robert, you can’t go to heaven if you hate anybody.”
That’s something those mentioned herein who epitomize the definition of the word “nigger” would do well to learn; because 1 John 1:5-10; 2:11; 3:15 (KJV) clearly say the same thing. The people mentioned herein are genuine losers if they think for an instant that God doesn’t mean what He says.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here