Legislation Designed To Control You by Robert Socha

Election year politics are ramping up, and the political shenanigans are intensifying in a continued coordinated effort to curtail our liberty. Nowhere are the blatant usurpations of personal autonomy more directly imperiled than in the late-great state of California, Colorado and Maryland.
First, as a native Californian, I take significant exception to the legislature’s gall introducing bills that would negate parental rights, health care autonomy, and give the state absolute power to enforce its draconian measures through a militarized police force. I found a list of these bills on this website, and will include a summary here.
They designed California’s bills to destroy the family unit’s autonomy, eliminate dissent, and force the injection of so-called immunizations at the state’s discretion to participate in daily life from daycare to employment. The bills include the following travesties:
SB 866– minors as young as 12 can consent to vaccines without parental approval.
SB 871- adds COVID-19 to the list of required immunizations to attend public and private schools and removes exemptions.
SB 920– authorizes the state medical board to inspect doctor’s office records without patient consent.
SB 1184– circumvents HIPAA and FERPA laws by authorizing children’s medical information released to school officials without parental consent.
SB 1390– allows the state discretion to prosecute free speech.
SB 1464– militarizes the police with the threat of defunding their agency should they refuse to comply.
SB 1479– enforces continual COVID-19 testing tyranny.
AB 1797– statewide immunization registry.
AB 1993– all employers would be required to ensure all employees or contractors have COVID vaccine proof, although exemptions are allowed.
AB 2098– threatens to revoke medical certification if the doctors unprofessionally counter the state’s narrative relating to COVID-19.
The gross manipulation of public trust and threats of revoking the ability to educate, work, and practice medicine is beyond the pale. The biggest problem here is the encroachment on our liberties, especially the ability to dissent. Hopefully, all these will fail in the assembly. Still, now that their introduction is manafest, because of California’s historical influence on national dialogue concerning controversial issues, I fear these measures will continue to be introduced until a version passes. As a result, more of our constitutionally protected liberties will have been torn asunder.
The erosion of basic constitutional principles of equal protection under the law, freedom of speech, unreasonable search, and self-incrimination is an affront to every American! Every parent should immediately pull their children from the public school system and homeschool or create a local coop for their children’s education. (For example, our family chose to move over 1,200 miles to educate our children privately.) I advocate it is the parent’s responsibility to educate their children, not the state’s. The fact that most parents abdicate that responsibility to the state notwithstanding, it is an egregious stain on our educational prowess and has all but eliminated civics and virtue. Additionally, every Californian should oppose militarizing the police as an enforcement unit of draconianism. Every law enforcement officer in the state should revisit both the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of California to ensure the rights of the people are secured, not trampled!
Segue to Maryland’s House Bill 1171 and Senate Bill 669, and Colorado’s House Bill 1279. Upon cursory reading, they give women the right to indiscriminately murder their unborn children and appear to legalize infanticide by allowing aborted babies born alive to die without the threat of prosecution of anyone involved in the “procedure.” This gross sacrifice to Molech must be opposed and eliminated for the possibility of enactment. The right to life is fundamental to the growth and perpetuation of our nation and the health and character of our people. The ordination of these United States provides our posterity and us, by continuing to live herein, to secure the rights that come from God for future generations. Those unborn have every right to life, liberty, and happiness that you and I do. We must continue to raise the banner of love that gives intrinsic value to every life and remind ourselves that the children who grow in their mother’s womb are a wonderful gift!
I know and feel the political and financial tensions wreaking havoc on our daily lives. With this in mind, I remind us to be anxious for nothing, including political and economic hardship, but in all things, let our requests be made known to God. So I encourage us to pray for those in authority and engage in this legislative session. Let your representatives hear you clearly and stand for the freedom those of us who were born alive and nurtured to maturity so easily take for granted and have nearly completely lost.
About the Author
Robert Socha
Robert Socha, BIO Robert Socha (so-ha), was born in southern California. He served 5 years 3 months active duty in the United States Air Force; honorably. After his service he took an Associate’s Degree in Practical Theology, where, through his studies, developed a deep love of God and Country and sincere appreciation of the value of Liberty. Robert and his beloved wife of 21-plus years are raising 4 beautiful Texan children. They moved to Hillsdale, Michigan, in 2013, to put their children in Hillsdale Academy. Robert is a sales professional. He and his wife consider Michigan a hidden gem, and absolutely love this city and state (current political environment notwithstanding) they’ve adopted.