I’m Sick of Dishonest Muslim Groups Subverting Our Laws

The following is an email letter I received June 29, 2017 from a Muslim group called Muslim Advocates. How I got on their mailing list remains a mystery to me, but with said, I am glad because it allows me to keep you informed regarding their satanic attempt to conquer America from within.
You will notice that nowhere in this letter is it mentioned that coming to America (or any foreign country not of your origin), is a privilege not a right. You will also note that there is no mention of assimilation into the American culture. Following is the letter.
Friend —
This January, in the hours following Donald Trump signing his first Muslim ban, airports across the nation were thrown into chaos and confusion. Passengers were pulled from planes, held for questioning, or barred from boarding. Families were left waiting for hours without information about their loved ones, unsure of what had happened to them.
I was at Dulles airport that day as a volunteer attorney on the ground helping travelers and their families. This is the reality that the Trump administration has fought hard to take us back to, and it’s a reality that, with today’s partial reinstatement of the Muslim ban, we must fight hard to prevent from happening again.
We have beaten this unconstitutional ban before, and we won’t stop fighting until it’s defeated for good. Will you join us and add your name now to say you stand against Donald Trump’s Muslim ban?
I’m now a full-time attorney at Muslim Advocates and, today, I’ll be back at Dulles Airport to prevent the same heartbreak and confusion from happening again.
After the first ban, frantic family members stood for hours at airport gates, waiting for news about elderly parents, family members with medical problems, and even small children who were detained for hours or denied entry and deported.
In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision, we’ve issued alerts and legal guidance and advocated for the rights of all people to live, work, study, and travel free from discrimination because this is not a reality we can return to. This is not a cruelty we can allow to happen. We must fight back—and together, we’ll win.
In solidarity,
Sirine Shebaya
Senior Staff Attorney
Muslim Advocates
P.S.: If you or anyone you know is being directly impacted by this ban, please report it here.
The wording of this letter is problematic for many reasons, not least of which because the Muslim Advocates are saying it was unconstitutional for the highest court in America to unanimously uphold President Trump’s “travel ban.”
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (Pub.L. 82–414, 66 Stat. 163, enacted June 27, 1952), also known as the McCarran–Walter Act, codified under Title 8 of the United States Code (8 U.S.C. ch. 12), governs immigration to and citizenship in the United States.
Pursuant to the “Act” itself note the following: The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 upheld the national origins quota system established by the Immigration Act of 1924, reinforcing this controversial system of immigrant selection.
It also ended Asian exclusion from immigrating to the United States and introduced a system of preferences based on skill sets and family reunification. Situated in the early years of the Cold War, the debate over the revision of U.S. immigration law demonstrated a division between those interested in the relationship between immigration and foreign policy, and those linking immigration to concerns over national security. The former group, led by individuals like Democrat Congressman from New York Emanuel Celler, favored the liberalization of immigration laws. Celler expressed concerns that the restrictive quota system heavily favored immigration from Northern and Western Europe and therefore created resentment against the United States in other parts of the world. He felt the law created the sense that Americans thought people from Eastern Europe as less desirable and people from Asia inferior to those of European descent. The latter group, led by Democratic Senator from Nevada Pat McCarran and Democratic Congressman from Pennsylvania Francis Walter, expressed concerns that the United States could face communist infiltration through immigration and that unassimilated aliens could threaten the foundations of American life. To these individuals, limited and selective immigration was the best way to ensure the preservation of national security and national interests. (https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/immigration-act)
It is important to note that the key language in the “Act” is: “…limited and selective immigration was the best way to ensure the preservation of national security and national interests.”
Muslims have proven themselves to be a threat to American national security and American interests since President Jefferson sent the Marines to Tripoli to put an end to Muslims pirating American ships, cargo, and taking American hostages for purposes of extortion. Muslims have not changed their malevolent behavior toward America since that time; they have increased it.
There is no need for me to list in detail the atrocities perpetrated against America by Muslims, everyone reading this is able to cite numerous instances not least of which was their attack on the World Trade Towers.
The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, also known as the Hart-Celler Act, abolished an earlier quota system based on national origin and established a new immigration policy based on reuniting immigrant families and attracting skilled labor to the United States. (See: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-79/pdf/STATUTE-79-Pg911.pdf)
However, the “Act of 1965” did not change the concerns of “national security and national interests” addressed in the “Act of 1952.”
It should also be noted that the Supreme Court voted unanimously to allow provisions of President Trump’s travel ban to stand; overruling lower court injunctions.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land and for these people to come here with no thought of assimilation to call the High Court ruling unconstitutional is a demonstrative show of contempt for our rule of law. If they hold such contempt before even arriving, how can they be expected to obey our system of laws at all?
Mychal Massie
This is an important fact that cannot be dismissed. Muslims are not coming here to become Americans; they are coming here to change America into a Muslim state.
It is up to us to support not just President Trump’s travel ban, but to support and defend our system of laws.
President Trump said of the travel ban that it: “allows the travel suspension for six terror-prone countries and the refugee suspension to become largely effective.” The ban does not apply to people with a “bona fide” relationship to the United States.
What can possibly be viewed as unfair and unjust in protecting the national security of America, specifically at a time when Muslims are making their intentions known to murder Americans? Should America become another Paris, Sweden, Germany, or Indonesia to mention but a few places where the countries have become de facto Muslim states complete with murder, rape, and mayhem?
If this Muslim group committed to the domestic deconstruction of our system of laws were coming here with good intentions they would seek first to obey our laws in coming here. The fact that they blatantly show no desire to obey and assimilate is more than sufficient reason to strictly regulate, which of them are permitted to legally immigrate here.
I encourage you to not accept this quietly. We owe to our future to not rest until we are heard and President Trump’s concern for our national security is enforced.
America belongs to the American people, not a bloodlust cult comprised of those committed to unleashing murder and conquest on the American people.
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About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here