Obama: The Mouth Who Loves To Hear Itself Talk

An August 5, 2019, Breitbart article written by Charlie Spierling titled, “Barack Obama Blames Donald Trump, Guns, ‘White Supremacist’ Websites for Mass Shootings” begins by stating: “He blamed guns, white supremacist websites, and President Donald Trump’s rhetoric for the ongoing violence in the United States.”
I find it interesting what little “baa-wee ‘golf-bag’ o-bam-a” will get his bloomers in a knot over. He’s the unemptied chamber pot calling the toilet dirty. He wheezed and stuttered that President Trump is to be blamed for the recent mass shootings.
That’s quite the accusation coming from the former ‘race-baiter-in-chief.’ He not only never missed the opportunity to exploit tragedy and unrest based upon skin color – he went out of his way to create same.
Remember his comment that “if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin.” As I said at the time: “If Trayvon Martin had been Obama’s son, he wouldn’t have been an almost athlete, nickel and dime wannabe gangster druggie with tattoos; he would have been a prissy little pansy meeting men in the back of cars and Chicago bath-houses.”
Obama went out of his way to exploit the justified self-defense shooting of Trayvon Martin. It goes beyond saying that no court in the land was going to find George Zimmerman innocent of wrongdoing for killing Martin in self-defense, unless the evidence was overwhelming. No court was going to risk ostracizing and riots, not to mention the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, unless the preponderance of innocent was beyond a shadow of doubt.
Notwithstanding the fact, that is exactly what happened in Sanford, Florida, in the aftermath of George Zimmerman being found innocent, with the rage and riots egged on by Obama himself.
And let’s not forget Obama’s so-called “beer summit” after he injected himself into the patently absurd allegations by ‘Haa-verd’ professor and certified skin-color bigot Louis Gates, publicly maligned Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge Police Depart. for daring to do his job in ensuring Gates’ personal safety. To complete the “dark tragic comedy” (no pun intended), Obama had Joe Biden, his vice president who was and is one of the most well-known drunks in Scranton,PA. attend the beer summit as well.
Obama’s fanning the flames of hatred and protest were on full display in the aftermath of the justified shooting by police of Michael Brown. Remember his saying that the shooting of Brown “stains the heart of black children.” He said: “The death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time.”
Obama’s usage of “our deepest condolences to his family and his community” was code-speak for “we are with you blacks folks and we’re gonna make those white people pay.”
Despite the lies, the bleaching of Brown’s criminal record and the 24/7 misreporting by the same so-called reporters that are today attacking President Trump; the court and the Justice Department led by Obama henchman Eric Holder were unable to indict the officer who shot and killed Brown in self-defense. But that didn’t stop Obama from doing his best to destroy the officer and his police department.
Following is a syndicated column I wrote October 15, 2015, tilted: “Mass Killings: Are ‘Big Pharma’ and Obama Military Involved?” Let’s remind the “mouth who loves to hear itself talk” of the mass shootings during the time he was “fundamentally changing America.”
Obama, feigning anger and sorrow in the aftermath of the Umpqua Community College mass killing committed by Chris Harper-Mercer, said: “It cannot be this easy for somebody who wants to inflict harm on other people to his or her hands on a gun.”
The obvious problem with Obama’s petulant tirade is that as always, instead of blaming himself and those like him, he attacks the law-abiding. The problem isn’t the supposed ease with which these mass killers have obtained guns; the problem is that they only commit their murderous attacks in gun-free zones.
As I referenced in my VideoRant “I Don’t Trust The Obama Government” (newdailyrant.wpengine.com; 7/31/2015), I am convinced there is more at work with the increased number of mass killings than the Obama administration wants us to know.
There were 42 random mass killings in America between 1984 and 2007, which is a period of 27 years. But from 2008 to July 2015, under Obama there have been 27 random mass killings. That number doesn’t include the random mass killings since July 2015. Nor does it include that (according to Mass Shooting Tracker) there have been 142 school shootings since the 2012 mass killing at Sandy Hook, Elementary School in Connecticut. That is an exponential increase in mass shootings and schools shootings in the seven-year period under Obama.
January 22, 2013 I wrote a Daily Rant titled “Weapons of Choice.” In that article I detailed the prescription psychotropic drugs doctors were peddling to children from early age right up to the point that these child test subjects succumb to the side affects (or possibly intended affects) and commit mass murder.
I also wrote: “Former Reagan White House advisor, and president and co-founder of the Social Security Institute, Lawrence Hunter writing for Forbes Magazine wrote: In 2000, New York legislators recognized the ubiquitous and unambiguous connection between violence, especially gun violence and mass murder, and the widespread prescribed use of psychiatric drugs. Senate Bill 7035 was introduced in the New York State Senate that year requiring police agencies to report to the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) on certain crimes and suicides committed by a person who is using psychiatric drugs, including assault, homicide, sex offense, robbery offense, firearms and other dangerous weapons offense, kidnapping and arson.”
With that said, I know that I am going out on a limb in speculating here. I’m definitely thinking outside the box. But I ask that you bear with me and then decide for yourself to what extent I may be right.
As I documented in the piece I wrote in January 2013, there is no doubt or question pursuant to the fact that the pharmaceutical companies are guilty of contributing to these mass killings. “Big pharma” knows full well that the drugs they are providing to doctors who in turn are peddling them like candy from Pez dispensers have side effects that are driving young people to commit horrific acts of violence.
But what if there were another player in the game that heretofore has gone unnoticed by remaining in the shadows even as it collects data? I am speaking of the military.
The value for military application of drugs that can be handed out like candy for everything from hyper-activity to bed wetting which result in a single child/young person killing numbers of people cannot be overstated. Especially if the military application can be disguised as a flu shot or anti-depression or pills for flea bites or whatever other mites and maladies exist in countries deemed less than friendly.
Suppose the true reason for collecting the data referenced above was to see how well the drugs were working and to chart the amount of time from initial ingestion to the first signs and/or outbursts of violence.
As I said, I know I am going out on a limb, but I also know that raking in hundreds of billions of dollars isn’t the singular reason “big pharma” is allowed to continue to poison our children. Neither is the money “big pharma” lobbyists put in the pockets of our elected officials, including those who occupy the Oval Office, [i.e., Obama], and even surreptitiously placing money in the pockets of judges.
I’ve freely admitted that I have no proof that the military is lurking in the shadows salivating about the day (if not already) that wars are fought by handing out pills, food, or ingesting what appears to be a beverage.
Quoting Sherlock Holmes: “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Now factor the following from my January 2013 Daily Rant:
I remember my friends and I playing army, and cowboys and Indians during our recesses in grade school. The sounds of pow-pow-pow rang out from our finger pistols and our imaginary rifles. I smile today as I recall the inevitable spats of “I shot you,” and “no you didn’t, or “yah but I was only wounded.”
Not one of my friends or anyone we knew or heard about grew up to be serial killers or mass murderers – unless you count serving in the various combat zones as being synonymous with same.
Growing up, even the girls in my school could handle rifles. Hunting, shooting, reloading, black powder, targets in the back yard, etc., were the norm. I had a beautiful .22 pump rifle until shortly after I graduated, and I would have given anything to have my uncle’s 30.06 rifle, but that went to someone else.
We grew up with guns, and there were any number of times our idea of conflict resolution was reduced to a shout, shove, or punch, but it never came to shooting or stabbing one another or anyone else.
There were teachers we absolutely despised and probably still would today if we were to run into them, but there was never, and I mean never, a thought given to taking a gun to school to shoot them and/or a classmate. And many of us had our rifles in our cars so we could go hunting right from school.
War movies and westerns were the norm then, even into our college years. But they never influenced us to the point that we assaulted the public with our readily available weapons.
The one thing we did not have growing up and through our years in school was a phalanx of doctors and psychiatrists dispensing prescriptions for psychotropic drugs like candy from Pez dispensers.
It has to be asked if the amount of money “big pharma” and medical research facilities make for not finding cures for cancer and multiple sclerosis ad nauseum far outweigh finding the cure? We were able to find cures for some of the deadliest viruses and illnesses in history without a percentage of the money supposedly being spent on research for cancer today.
We know that in 2009 when Pfizer, the giant pharmaceutical company, was fined $2.3 billion for illegally marketing off-label drugs – the fine amounted to a drop in the bucket. At that time that amount was less than the pharmaceutical company’s quarterly earnings.
There is one more factor and that is our elected officials are greedy, corrupt, and self-serving. Given the amount of money and extra curricular benefits including jobs for the family members of the elected, as we have already witnessed, it doesn’t take much to bribe a congressman.
If the late Charlie Wilson was able to supply the entire Afghanistan war effort against Russia unbeknownst to the rest of Congress, the president, and the rest of the world – why would it be difficult to suspect military involvement somewhere in this proliferation of young people committing mass murders?
Giving voice to those questions and observations, would it be that far outside the realm of reality to question aloud the potential, on some level, that there exists the possibility that I am not completely off base?
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here