Progressives Don’t Want Blacks Thinking About These Questions
Godless calumniators have used the branding of that which is good as that which is bad, for millennia.
Continue readingGodless calumniators have used the branding of that which is good as that which is bad, for millennia.
Continue readingPeople have asked me what I think regarding the continuing revelations of priests violating young boys?
Continue readingThe following is a piece that I wrote December 17, 2013. I share it again as suggestion to the malcontents
Continue readingObama was posed as Franklin D. Roosevelt on the cover of a magazine not long after he was elected. And
Continue readingFantasyland is an interesting place; not least of which is because what fantasyland promises is just
Continue readingBooker T. Washington (1856-1915), was an author, advisor to presidents, orator, and educator. He was
Continue readingPeople expect nothing from progressives but skin-color mongering, hatred, and special dispensation based
Continue readingUninformed ignorant people irk me beyond measure; as do those with the intellectual acumen of night crawlers
Continue readingPresident Trump has driven Democrats into a state of hebephrenia unlike any I’ve witnessed in my lifetime.
Continue readingThe following is an excerpt from my book titled: "Alone With Jesus." 'Alone With Jesus' is a collection
Continue readingSelf-limiting pursuits that serve only to retard personal growth and reject modernity have plagued blacks
Continue readingThe other evening a friend and I were dining at a very popular quasi-upscale casual dining establishment.
Continue readingIf I were asked: “Can there be a more despicable cabal of liars, deceivers, and Erebusic marplots than
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