Electability Is Word Used By Establishment To Deny Those We Support
David Brat and the people of Virginia sent a clear and cogent message to Karl Rove, Reince Priebus, and
Continue readingDavid Brat and the people of Virginia sent a clear and cogent message to Karl Rove, Reince Priebus, and
Continue readingAs faithful as the Pennsylvania groundhog Punxsutawney Phil, John Boehner has crawled out of his congressional
Continue readingOn Tuesday, June 3, I wrote: “Obama is a man on the ropes. He is coming more unhinged. Only a person
Continue readingThe last thing blacks in America need or deserve is reparations. Yet there is a group out of Chicago
Continue readingThe following was written for June 8, 2014 "Our Daily Bread" by: Poh Fang Chia. ********************* “When
Continue readingThe following was written by my friend, mentor, and colleague, Dr. Walter E. Williams. He shared it with
Continue readingJune 6 is the commemoration of D-Day, 1944. I have had many privileges in my lifetime, but none that
Continue readingUnited States Marine Corps Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is imprisoned in a Mexican prison for ostensibly a
Continue readingI didn't watch Obama's performance at West Point on May 28; I freely confess it was all I could do to
Continue readingThe following was written for June 1, 2014, "Our Daily Bread" by: Bill Crowder.
Continue readingDuring a period of time when blacks truly were disenfranchised their accomplishments and contributions
Continue readingThe following information is compiled from FBI and Department of Homeland Security reports. What can
Continue readingThe following statistics are a damning indictment. But, as damning as they are, the black group responsible
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