Pelosi Mental Health Problems

President Trump has driven Democrats into a state of hebephrenia unlike any I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat Minority Leader of the House of Representatives is the poster child this for this subtype of schizophrenia.
Following July’s economic reports, which showed the continued historic economic success of President Trump’s domestic agenda, Pelosi, being congenitally incapable of anything else, attacked the unprecedented great news.
Pelosi released a statement Friday, August 3, saying: “July’s jobs report shows that the wealthiest 1 percent and big corporations continue to hoard the benefits of the GOP Tax Scam for the rich, while American workers are denied the bigger paychecks they deserve,”
Poor Nancy; poor, poor Nancy – what a pathetic old shrew she is. Maybe her facial contortions suggest more than a severe case of tardive dyskinesia.
The American people are glad to have jobs again. After all, it was Obama, her Party’s “Majordomo” who sarcastically told the American people they would have to “learn to live with less,” because “manufacturing jobs weren’t coming back.” Perhaps Pelosi should ask President Trump where he found the “magic wand” to return manufacturing jobs back to America, because according to Obama, that’s what was needed to return manufacturing jobs. Obama said, candidate Trump had no idea how to turn the economy around, moments after boasting the economy was great thanks to him. (See: Obama to Trump: ‘What Magic Wand Do You Have?’; Rebecca Savransky;; 6/1/2016)
It’s easy to understand why Pelosi et al would be embarrassed by President Trump’s first 500 days in office. As a Syrian businessman, whose family I’ve known for many years, said to me: “President Trump accomplished more with two handshakes than Obama accomplished in eight years.” He was referencing President Trump’s handling of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin. But I digress.
If Pelosi were lucid she would try adapting President Trump’s domestic plans to her Party’s platform. Under Obama, 92 million Americans were “not in the labor force.” That translates to 37 percent of the civilian population aged 16 and over, who were neither employed nor unemployed. They were permanently out of the labor force because there were no real jobs.
Pernicious progressives like Pelosi spin numbers in attempt to make Obama look good, but the truth is that during his administration there were more women out of the workforce than at any time in our history. If that’s a lie, as the Huffington Post would like for us to believe, why didn’t we see the stock market performing as it has since President Trump took office? Why weren’t foreign companies massively investing in America and building major manufacturing companies here? Why did we see anemic growth if Obama and Democrats were doing such a stellar job?
Obama did have over 50 million people on food stamps and welfare. As The Daily Caller put it: “The fact is, the official unemployment rate doesn’t tell you all that much about the health of the US economy. Under Obama, it’s typically been used as a misleading indicator, suggesting a return to pre-recession “normalcy” that simply hasn’t occurred.” (The Obama Economy And The Myth Of “Full” Employment; Stewart Lawrence; 12/6/2016)
In approximately 500 days since taking office, President Trump is responsible for: A record 155,965,000 people were employed in July, the 11th record-breaker since President Trump took office 19 months ago. The economy added 157,000 jobs in July (compared with a revised 248,000 in June). The unemployment rate edged down to 3.9 percent. The number of unemployed persons declined by 284,000 to 6,280,000 in July. The unemployment rate for Hispanics set its second straight record low, 4.5%, down from its then-record low June level of 4.6%. The number of Hispanics employed hit a record high of 27,223,000; up from 27,077,000 in June, Manufacturing jobs increased by 37,000 in July and have now increased by 400,000 since Donald Trump became President. (Pelosi Pooh-Poohs Positive July Employment Numbers; Trashes Tax Cuts, Corporations, Wealthy; Craig Bannister; 8/3/2018)
Progressive Democrats are beset with derangement caused by President Trump’s success. CNN tried to convince people that a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 4.1 percent was to high too quick. They were actually claiming GDP that goes up too quickly was bad for the economy.
The economic success of President Trump is spectacular because he has succeeded despite having the mainstream “fake” news, never-Trumpers, elitist Republicans, and Democrats fighting him even step of the way of his unprecedented economic and domestic success.
We the People knew what we were doing when we elected Donald J. Trump as President of The United States. It was those who elected Obama who were clueless and remain so today.
I would also tell Pelosi a poor man never gave me or anybody else a job. Politicians are the only ones who have found a way to have the poor and the unemployed give them lifelong jobs that make them multi-millionaires.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here