SPECIAL EDITION FRIDAY: Biden Is Going After Supreme Court

There is a growing cacophony from the neo-Leninist hordes whose goal is transmogrify America into third world sewer lorded over by them at the taxpayers expense. These hordes and the tottering old near-brain dead simpleton pretending to be leader have been obsessed with packing the Supreme Court of the United States since Franklin Roosevelt. Following is a piece I originally wrote in 2012.
It was updated August 14, 2018 to include President Trump. I share it again to stress the point of why President Trump played such an ordained pivotal role in the lives of Americans. I share it again to also warn you of what exactly is at stake should Biden and his evil anti-American cabal prevail in their pursuit of packing the High Court.
Obama was posed as Franklin D. Roosevelt on the cover of a magazine not long after he was elected. And while that may have seemed a bit of a stretch at the time, it was certainly not untrue.
Despite the lies, the myths, and the agitprop boasting Roosevelt as a great president, it is in no way ipse dixit to say the economic and social state he left behind was nothing short of moribund. And it was even more so with Obama. That’s why the election of Donald Trump was critically important if America was to survive.
Following is a syndicated piece that I wrote June 20, 2012. I share it again because it is important for you to understand the abyss America was destined to if Mr. Trump has not been elected President.
Consider closely the parallels regarding the eerie similarities that the Obama policies shared with Roosevelt. Consider also that it was Roosevelt who set us on the path to financial and social decline born out of his unconstitutional intrusion of government into the lives of We the People. Also consider that just as Roosevelt hid his true health condition, Obama hid his college transcripts and everything else regarding his past.
President Reagan was able to stave off the effects of Roosevelt that were exacerbated by Jimmy Carter but thanks to Clinton, Bush, and Obama, what President Reagan was able to accomplish was turned back.
Now we have one who I believe will be looked upon as greater than President Reagan. I believe that we’ve been given a reprieve by “Providence” with the election of President Trump. Read carefully the following and see how close to going over the cliff we were with Obama, and decide for yourself if you agree with me that no other modern day candidate was equipped to do what President Trump has done thus far.
How many people are familiar with “The Great Depression of 1893?” How many are even aware there was such a thing? Well, there was, and it was arguably one of the worst, if not the worst, in American history. It was a major economic contraction that lasted until 1897, albeit the economy did experience a sizeable spike from mid-1894 through the end of 1895.
Unemployment was above 10 percent nationally and as high as 25 percent in many industrial centers. A quarter of the nation’s railroads went bankrupt, and more than 15,000 companies and 500 banks failed. There was tremendous agricultural distress due to the plummeting prices of export crops, and labor strife was rife.
Keep in mind as well – this was taking place on a national scale in a drastically different time period than today. This was an unarguably difficult period, not without sensationalized newspaper accounts of suffering, class warfare and envy promulgated in no small part by factions similar to those we are familiar with today. There were also the obligatory demands for government intervention by the likes of Jacob Coxey and company.
But the economy began to recover in 1896. And after the election of the pro-gold, high-tariff Republicans and William McKinley – over the pro-silver Democrat William Jennings Bryan – confidence soared, and the economy experienced 33 years of rapid growth.
How many are familiar with the “Sharp Recession of 1920-1921?” This depression was short lived in duration, but no less severe. Unemployment rose to 12 percent, wholesale prices declined to 37 percent, and once again the economy stood on the abyss. But as before, it recovered and experienced rapid unprecedented growth until 1929.
Of course, all are familiar with the accounts of the 1929 crash and the subsequent years – unemployment, foreclosures, bank failings, bread lines, stock market collapse, ad nauseam. The difference between the aforementioned and the earlier depressions is made by Dr. Walter Williams who points out, “In 1929, the collapse of the stock market would have lasted two or three years at the most. But the Hoover and Roosevelt administrations threw their stimulus packages and turned it into an affair that we didn’t get out of until 1946. They turned a short downturn into the “Great Depression.” The point being that America came out of two of the worst economic contractions in our history without the government intrusion of Roosevelt and later Obama.
History books, and many so-called educators today laud Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation as the ingenious efforts of a president who brought America out of the worst economic period in history. But that is a selectively myopic and wrong view of history pursuant to depressionary periods. Moreover, it is a baseless and incomplete representation of the same.
Seldom is it taught that Roosevelt hated the industry titans of his day and set the top tax rate at 90 percent on his version of the rich. Seldom is it taught that on May 27, 1935 (his aptly termed Black Monday), the Supreme Court handed down three unanimous opinions that struck down key provisions of the New Deal.
“In Louisville Bank v. Radford, the Court declared unconstitutional an act that provided mortgage relief for farmers. In Humphrey’s Executor v. United States, the Court denied the president the power to replace members of independent regulatory agencies, thus thwarting his ability to bring the agencies in line with administration regulatory policies (see Appointment and Removal Power). And in Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States, the Court struck down the National Recovery Act, holding that Congress could not delegate such sweeping powers to an executive body (see Delegation of Powers).” It should also be noted that three liberal justices were included in those unanimous rulings.
Roosevelt, however, denounced the Court and introduced the “court-packing bill” in an attempt to expand Supreme Court membership, by which he planned to nominate justices who would side with him. This resulted in a bitter dispute between the two branches of government, with Roosevelt ultimately prevailing – which resulted in his overstepping the Constitution and ushering in the belief that government is our nanny.
Now President Obama has raised this same specter of government intrusion exponentially. Sadly, neither the president who is hailed as bringing us out of the Great Depression of 1929, nor the president who was hailed as his modern-day successor, had belief in industry and confidence in people. To them, government is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient – the problem is, that title is already taken.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here