SPECIAL EDITION FRIDAY: The Satanic Double Standards of Transgender Advocates

Dr. Michael L. Brown has written ‘a must read article’ exposing not only how cruelly satanic the transsexual mutilation of children is, but also exposing the evil and unconscionable double standards the homosexual advocates shamelessly promote as necessary for the emotional and mental health of children. In reality it is the most reprobate, destructive form of child abuse on earth.
But, before I get to Dr. Brown’s outstanding article, I want to share with you once again the syndicated article I wrote, January 14, 2019. In it I discussed the barbaric practice of chemical castration and GENECIS a division of Children’s Hospital in Dallas Texas, which was ordered shut down little more than one month ago this year.
It is an indisputable fact that only the most godless and satanic form of human being(s) can and/or would support such a pagan practice. A person must truly be wholly possessed by Satan himself to endorse such horrifying abuse of children and young people.
I warn you; my former article combined with the article by Dr. Michael L. Brown, is beyond disturbing. There is no punishment severe enough this side of the pit of hell for any person(s) that practice or perform such evil abuse upon an infant, child or young person.
In my lifetime I’ve witnessed crazy and I’ve witnessed evil. I’ve seen dysfunctional families and I’ve seen child abuse, but I have never in my life witnessed government sanctioned, taxpayer funded child abuse as grotesque and objectionable as GENECIS the transgender child butcher shop, located in Dallas, Texas.
I recently wrote a syndicated op-ed titled: “Transgenderism Is A Mental Disorder Not A Sexual Identity.” (mychal-massie.com; 12/31/2018) But this transgender child butcher shop referenced above, redefines mental illness.
GENECIS promotes itself as: “A program that provides a path to change through compassionate and professional care.” They claim: “Gender affirming medical care, is considered medically necessary treatment for transgender adolescents and adults who experience physical dysphoria (i.e., distress associated with physical sex characteristics). While not all individuals who experience a discrepancy between their gender identity and sex assigned at birth experience physical dysphoria, many do.” (See: https://www.childrens.com/specialties-services/specialty-centers-and-programs/endocrinology/programs-and-services/genecis-program)
Physical dysphoria is ostensibly the alleged feeling of one gender being trapped in the body of another. This malady is well on its way to proving transgenderism is a “protected” mental disorder.
The very attempt to support and lend credibility to extreme mental disorders is problematic at its core, but GENECIS has taken it a step further by encouraging parents to have their children butchered under the guise of placing the child in the right body.
In reality, in many instances the parents are more mentally unstable than the child buying into transgender madness.
Consider the case of Jeff. Jeff is the father of twin six-year-old boys, named James and Jude. Jeff is also engaged in a protracted and bitter custody battle with his ex-wife. (See: Help Save James; pbs.twimg.com)
Jeff’s ex-wife, mother of the two boys, decided that three-year old James should not be a boy and began dressing him like a girl. She renamed the toddler “Luna” and enrolled him in “social transitioning therapy” at GENECIS to prepare him for “chemical castration.”
The process of butchering this toddler’s body cannot begin until James is 8-years-old. He is now six-years-old and has been undergoing “transitioning therapy” for three years.
James is currently a first grader enrolled in Coppell Schools. Teachers and administrators know James is a little boy, but the other parents and students are supposedly unaware.
As if it needed to get any worse, the “courts have enjoined Jeff (the father), from dressing James as a boy at school, from teaching him that he is a boy and from sharing religious teachings on sexuality and gender. … He has been accused of abuse for saying that his son is a boy.”
The mother (and doctors at GENECIS), are waiting until the six-year-old boy’s eighth birthday so they can chemically castrate the child, to suppress puberty and prepare him for sex-change surgery.
Even more of an affront is that courts can force the non-custodial parents to pay for the transgender therapy and sexual mutilation of their own children. If the parents object, the courts can remove the parental rights and can jail the objecting parent. Not surprisingly, public schools are going along with this abuse.
As I said, I’ve seen child abuse. I’ve seen families, in which the father and/or mother have molested one or more of their children. I’ve seen a methamphetamine dealer pass his 12-year-old daughter around for men to sleep with when they bought his meth. I’ve seen mothers emotionally destroy their children by trapping the children in their psychosis. I’ve seen children scarred as a result of being kidnapped and sexually molested. I’ve seen children emotionally and psychologically damaged from having sexual trysts with their teachers.
The difference is that with the exception of the so-called mother ensnaring her emotionally damaged son in her web of psychosis, every one of the parents involved in the other accounts I shared, resulted in prison time and/or lengthy probations.
The harshest laws are reserved for child-molesters/abusers, and yet parents are allowed to emotionally destroy their children for what amounts to a whim. Where is the justice for these children?
Why is it that homosexuality, the transgender craze, and the litany of other mental disorders now disguised in the vestiges of transgenderism and transsexualism, that result in butchering children and/or dressing them like little girls and then pimping them on YouTube as drag queens are protected by the courts?
How much more emotionally and psychologically destructive can it be than for this mother to decide on her own, to dress her toddler son as a little girl starting at age three in preparation for the child to be chemically castrated at eight-years of age?
Tell me how this escapes the penalty of law. Tell me why elected officials would move to pass such legislation to protect such an evil parent? Is this what America has become or is this what these people are getting away with?
The other question that demands an answer is: What will these sexually butchered and disfigured children and those who choose to live in the fantasy bubble of transgenderism be like 20-years from now – if many of them are committing suicide and spending their lives in the care of psychologists/psychiatrists now?
Beyond Disturbing: How Does a Decent People Support Chemical Castration of Children?
Surge Summary: How can a civilized society support the chemical castration of minor children? Yet, it is occurring at this very moment in the world around us. These kids need healing from the inside out, not chemical crippling and physical mutilation.
by Michael L. Brown (Dec. 28, 2021 dailysurge.com)
In the midst of the intense national debate about transgender rights, transgender athletes, and transgender children, it is all too easy to lose sight of perhaps the most important issue of all. Specifically, if you support the medical transitioning of children, you are potentially supporting their chemical castration. What an absolute outrage. How dare any person of conscience advocate for this?
Are you familiar with the name Alan Turing? He was a brilliant, British mathematician and computer pioneer best known for his life-saving work during World War II. At that time, “Turing played a crucial role in cracking intercepted coded messages that enabled the Allies to defeat the Axis powers in many crucial engagements, including the Battle of the Atlantic.”
Yet Turing was also homosexual and, after the war, was found guilty of three counts of “gross indecency contrary to Section II of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885” for having consensual sexual relations with another man.
In exchange for Turing pleading guilty, he agreed to be chemically castrated, and, as detailed on Wikipedia, “He accepted the option of injections of what was then called stilboestrol (now known as diethylstilbestrol or DES), a synthetic oestrogen; this feminization of his body was continued for the course of one year. The treatment rendered Turing impotent and caused breast tissue to form, fulfilling in the literal sense Turing’s prediction that ‘no doubt I shall emerge from it all a different man, but quite who I’ve not found out.’”
Barely two years later, in 1951, when he was just 41, Turing was found dead by cyanide poisoning, an apparent suicide.
Today, his story has become better known through the film The Imitation Game, where Benedict Cumberbatch played Turing. And, as noted by Clive Irving in his article in The Daily Beast titled, “The Castration of Alan Turing, Britain’s Code-Breaking WWII Hero, “When I saw the movie in London there was a palpable frisson of disgust from the audience on learning how Turing had been treated by the country he had served with enormous distinction in World War II.”
And it is for good reason that the audience reacted with disgust upon learning that this British war hero suffered chemical castration at the hands of his own nation.
Yet the very same people who are repulsed by the way Turing was treated actually support something even more horrible, namely, the chemical castration of children.
But that is exactly what happens to many of them as a result of taking puberty-blockers and related drugs. How on earth are people fighting for this “right”?
Helen Joyce, a senior writer for The Economist, described the plight of the “detransitioners: people who took hormonal and sometimes surgical steps towards transition, only to realise that they had made a catastrophic mistake.
“They speak of trauma from experimental drugs and surgeries and having been manipulated and deceived by adults.”
She continued, “I have seen them abused and defamed on social media.
“Their most obvious wounds are physical: mastectomies; castration; bodies shaped by cross-sex hormones.
“But the mental wounds go deeper. They bought into an ideology that is incoherent and constantly shifting and where the slightest deviation is ferociously punished.”
The staunchly conservative Breitbart website noted that, “The growing damage has been carefully covered by Breitbart News for at least five years. On November 27, for example, Breitbart News reported Swedish pro-transgender doctors caused serious injuries to many kids: ‘It’s chemical castration. It can affect mental health in a way that you didn’t think of and didn’t want.’”
To say it again: we are talking about the chemical castration of children, and in each and every case, there is no possible way that a pre-pubescent (or even teenaged) child could have the mental and emotional capacity to make such a life-altering decision.
A related article reported that, “In one case, a girl who wished to become a boy at the age of 10 was put on a regimen of puberty-blocking drugs at the age of 11 by the hospital. Five years after the treatment, the effects of the hormone therapy are said to have resulted in osteoporosis and damaged the vertebrae in teen’s back, Swedish broadcaster SVT reported.
“The teen’s mother, Natalie told the broadcaster: ‘He felt so bad that he tried suicide attempts on several occasions. We didn’t understand, we thought our child would feel better from the treatment.’
“‘When we asked him regularly how his back felt, he said: “I’m in pain all the time”,’ she added.”
How is this not child abuse?
In her watershed (and hotly opposed) book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, Abigail Shrier explained that, “Once used in chemical castration of sex offenders, Lupron is the go-to puberty blocker, FDA-approved to halt precocious puberty. If your four-year-old daughter is spontaneously developing breasts, Lupron shuts off part of her pituitary to slow puberty down, until her brain and peers catch up.”
But, she added, “What the FDA has not approved is using Lupron to halt normal puberty in anyone—transgender-identified or otherwise.”
How dare we use this drug to “pause” the development of gender-confused children. It really is criminal, and it must be legally and ethically stopped.
As explained on a pediatrics website, “Temporary use of Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility.
“In addition to the harm from Lupron, cross-sex hormones put youth at an increased risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, blood clots and cancers across their lifespan. Add to this the fact that physically healthy transgender-believing girls are being given double mastectomies at 13 and hysterectomies at 16, while their male counterparts are referred for surgical castration and penectomies at 16 and 17, respectively, and it becomes clear that affirming transition in children is about mutilating and sterilizing emotionally troubled youth.”
What on earth are we doing? How can we possibly be complicit in something like this?
If your first reaction is to dismiss these reports out of hand, since some of them come from conservative websites, my response to you is twofold. First, go to the primary sources and see for yourself. The reporting is truthful and accurate. Second, what is more important to you? Your political ideology or the wellbeing of these precious children?
In the days ahead, I’m scheduled to interview a female-to-male trans-identified individual who differs with me when it comes to God, the Bible, Christian moral standards, homosexual practice, and a host of other issues.
But we have agreed to shout from the rooftops as loudly as we can for the sake of these at-risk kids.
Some will say to me, “When you will stop writing about this stuff? You sound like a broken record. Enough already!”
My answer is simple: I’ll stop writing about this when our society stops promoting such social madness rather than finding healthy ways to help these hurting kids from the inside out.
Let us unite together against the chemical castration of children!
The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge
Originally posted here.
Image: Public Domain Free CC0 Image; https://www.rawpixel.com/image/3338460/free-photo-image-alcohol-beer-beverage
Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Revival Or We Die: A Great Awakening Is Our Only Hope. Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here