Vindicated Again by Robert Socha

We conspiracy theorists are vindicated yet again.
Wuhan is the most probable start of COVID-19, check.
The C-19 doses have terrible adverse[i]reactions, check.
Masks only encourage crime, check.
Chicanery, check.
January sixth was peaceful until agitators infiltrated the crowd, check.
Quid pro quo, check.
The Earth is a sphere; check.
Okay, the last one is for comic relief, but many people still advocate for a flat earth and believe there is a wall in Antarctica that the government is purposefully hiding to keep us ignorant of the truth. Personally, I know the Earth is a sphere orbiting around the Sun whose sine wave track is circling the center of the Milky Way.
At a recent Hillsdale College event[ii], I learned some poignant information where Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.[iii]eviscerated big Pharma, and Gerald Posner[iv]spoke on the industry’s history and corruption. The following is adapted from rough notes taken while listening to the men noted above.
First, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 gives pharmaceutical companies immunity to vaccine injuries and states in its preamble that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe. I spent considerable time trying to verify and find the text online, but the closest I found was the link[v]to the Act on Unfortunately, the text of the Act is not available online, and none of the legal sites I visited, such as Cornell’s[vi]publishes the text of the Act either.
Here is an obvious question: why isn’t the text of an Act passed in 1986 available on
I did find some language[vii]from the NIH but I am unsure if the language is the Act itself, and that is troubling. On the other hand, discerning truth requires an investment of time and energy, and it would bode well for our culture if more people were disposed to its illumination.
Shockingly, in October of 2019, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored Event 201[viii]when “Coronavirus” was already circulating in Wuhan. The Gates did this simulation with the head of the Chinese CDC. It appears the entire scenario is scripted. By whom? The CIA?
I offer a Pharmaceutical history lesson provided by Mr. Posner.
Bayer discovered acetaminophen or Tylenol in the mid-1800s and thought it too dangerous to market, but heroin and opioids were okay. Shockingly, pharmaceutical companies had heroin and other opioids over the counter until the Harrison Act[ix]outlawed all narcotics in 1914. After that, pharmaceutical companies had their lifeline taken away until the discovery of Insulin in 1922. Penicillin changed the industry in 1939 when the industry used lobbyists to push Penicillin into the general consciousness of our country and began big Pharma’s dominance.
German pharmaceuticals dominated the market in the 1920s but were bombed out in WWII. After the war, German scientists came to the U.S. by invitation, and by the 1950s, American pharmaceutical companies had 90% of the profit and most of the market.
The Sackler family revolutionized marketing by running ads for drugs in medical journals and hiring salesmen to pay doctors to be “representatives.” Their empire was investigated[x]by Congress in 1962!
Because of the adverse effects of the shots given into the mid-1980s, vaccine companies were losing money and lobbied Congress for help. Against his intuition, President Regan signed the NCVIA into law, releasing pharmaceuticals to offer a plethora of vaccines to a trusting populace. With the help of lobbyists and a feckless Congress, they capitalize on the mandate of over 70 shots to “vaccinate” the people.
The pharmaceutical industry has a chokehold on the decimation of healthcare and options. Against all odds I urge us not to simply sit back and sigh, “Woe as me, what can be done?” It is past time to look into these industries that promise one thing, health and life, but provide another, compliance and control. Jesus said in John 8:36, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Please accept this short piece as a nibble to the depths of depravity and greed the pharmaceutical industry has fallen and dig into the truth! As Kennedy urged those attending his lecture, I echo the exhortation, “Our job is to fight for the 67% who are too weak to fight for themselves. Nobody ever complied his way out of totalitarianism.” Life is too precious and fleeting to do anything less!
About the Author
Robert Socha
Robert Socha, BIO Robert Socha (so-ha), was born in southern California. He served 5 years 3 months active duty in the United States Air Force; honorably. After his service he took an Associate’s Degree in Practical Theology, where, through his studies, developed a deep love of God and Country and sincere appreciation of the value of Liberty. Robert and his beloved wife of 21-plus years are raising 4 beautiful Texan children. They moved to Hillsdale, Michigan, in 2013, to put their children in Hillsdale Academy. Robert is a sales professional. He and his wife consider Michigan a hidden gem, and absolutely love this city and state (current political environment notwithstanding) they’ve adopted.