While Black Women Are Killing Their Babies They’re Killing Their Future

I despise the very thought of abortion. While Hillary Clinton may believe that killing babies is “humane” and Obama believes that “Planned Parenthood does good work” and therefore deserves “God’s blessing” – I believe killing babies is satanic, murder and a black mark on mankind that will not be washed away save by the “Blood of Christ.”
I watch with disgust the demonic dilettantes who parade the streets of our cities, armed with signs that read: “keep your hands off my vagina.” They are too blinded by evil, to realize that “keeping hands off their vagina” is what those such as myself are advocating when we oppose baby-killing.
But typical of their crazed kind, their tortured minds are oblivious to the reality that keeping hands away from their vagina is in one key respect a good thing, because that would save the lives of unborn children.
The one thing however, that is never discussed is the cost abortion, i.e., baby-killing costs future generations and what it specifically costs black people as a demographic.
The numbers are inescapable and undeniable; blacks as a demographic have decimated future generations. The future of black people as a demographic is threatened by imprisonment, black on black crime, drugs, disease, poor educational standards and dysfunctional family practices; but nothing threatens the future of blacks as a demographic, to the extent that baby killing does.
And that is not just the aggregate percentage decrease of the demographic, which now exceeds 40 percent. It includes the economic cost to blacks as a demographic. These are costs that are almost never discussed by those who use baby-killing as a means of birth control and population control for blacks. But I have.
There is a real economic toll related to abortion, but it’s not something Obama, Al Sharpton or the Congressional Black Caucus complains about. In fact, they all support abortion.
To hear abortion proponents talk about it, infanticide is an economic boon. In 1998, a U.S. News and World Report article called a child “a high-priced consumer item with no warranty.” Less children supposedly means less welfare spending, less unemployment and generally more money to spread around.
Actually, the opposite is more likely to be true.
In a January 2010, telephone interview, Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics Inc., said, “The cost [of abortion to society], if calculable, would be astronomical to the point of the average person being incapable of comprehending it.” While Crutcher correctly notes one cannot accurately put a price on the opportunity costs of abortion, its effects are apparent. In fact, abortion may play a key factor in fixing our nation’s current economic crisis.
As I wrote at that time, consumer spending is the dominant facet of our economy. With the economy at that time needing a boost and job creation jolted, a baby is a true stimulus plan. Forget TARP and the Keynesian spending schemes promoted by the Obama Administration. A baby necessitates diapers, toys, food, books, clothing and more. Meeting those needs creates jobs in the manufacturing and service sectors. Children also create jobs in the medical and educational sectors. When they grow up, babies supplement the labor force – promoting the “circle of life.” At a time when our nation relies on an influx of legal and illegal immigrants, it’s illogical to promote population control.
It’s also an issue of quality, and not just quantity. As the late economist Julian Simon noted: “In the long run, the most important economic effect of population size and growth is the contribution of additional people to our stock of useful knowledge.” In 2010, around 45 million potential members of the American labor force had already been obliterated by legalized abortion. How many could have kept our auto industry solvent? How many might have developed the cure to cancer or cold-fusion energy production?
And then there’s the Social Security and Medicare crises. These two programs, once considered safety nets, are now lifelines for many elderly and impoverished Americans. The programs’ solvency relies upon large numbers of people in the workforce providing for much smaller numbers of recipients. The Baby Boom and expansions of coverage turned these calculations on their heads. More money is being paid out than is being paid into the programs. That means fewer benefits and/or more taxes.
For blacks in particular, Crutcher noted, “Abortion has cost blacks tremendous political power. You cannot reduce the black American population by – in some estimates – as much as 40 percent in the last 35 plus years and not have a debilitating political impact that equates further to verifiable economic loss, even if the loss is astronomical to the point of being incalculable.”
Crutcher refers to the relatively unchanged size of the black “community” relative to other population demographics. While black population numbers stagnate, Hispanics are now the dominant minority group. Could this have anything to do with abortion? Yes. Susan Cohen, writing for the Guttmacher Policy Review in 2008, noted, “The abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women.”
Allowing for the popular talking points regarding Africans being brought to America in chains. After emancipation, many blacks were subject to unfair laws restricting promised freedoms. Discrimination further deprived opportunity. Now, even with a level playing field, abortion is pushing blacks into a corner. While the United States economy under President Trump is shaking free from the chains of Obama’s Keynesian failure – blacks who are participants in a massive economic recovery, still stand to lose the most because of abortion.
In promoting abortion, there is much more to lose than just America’s morality. Our very futures may lie in the balance.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here