Why Are Jews and Colored People Democrats??

When it comes to godless, demonic, supporters of anarchy, haters of modernity combined with a fallacious sense of self-worth – there are none whom this better describes than Democrats and all of their various hellish conjugations. Conjugations that include but are not limited to Marxism, neo-Leninism, and Fabian Democratic Socialists.
Each and every one of these radical demonic social philosophies hate with a passion Jews and those who subscribe to being a crayon color as the highest elevation of self-worth.
Regardless of where you find them they are Erebusic marplots and pernicious liars whose energy is spent on destruction and divisiveness at the expense of truth and civility.
That said, I cannot for the life of me figure how and/or why Jews or any of those W.E.B. Du Bois rebranded as “colored” peoples to make it easier to lure said peoples into the web of Communism.
Such Democrats and political philosophists in reality are nothing more than angry anarchists committed to spreading falsity and division. These people are faster to accuse those they view as conservative Christians with wrongdoing than Billy the Kid was to draw his pistol.
Coloreds would blame Christians and conservatives for stars shining at night, but yet they’ve developed a type of Stockholm syndrome that makes them want to please those who are factually abusing them. Democrats were responsible for the weaponization of so-called skin color. Slavery was never about a supposed skin color. But Democrats sold the lie well and with it the revision of factual history.
Circa 1892, former slave Rep. John Roy Lynch in response to the question of why Coloreds were so often targeted by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) stated: “More colored than white men are thus persecuted simply because they constitute in larger numbers the opposition to the Democratic Party….[former slave] U.S. Rep. Richard Cain of South Carolina, a bishop of the AME denomination, agreed, declaring: The bad blood of the South comes because the Negroes are Republicans. If they would only cease to be Republicans and vote the straight-out Democrat ticket there would be no trouble. Then the bad blood would sink entirely out of sight.” (Page 14; Democrats and Republicans In their Own Words)
Remember Hillary Clinton with her bottle of hot sauce? Remember her calling them super-predators; but, she really didn’t mean it. She was just having an off day and shared her true feelings by accident. Thus when she and the Clinton administration with the help of Joe Biden affected the greatest mass-incarceration initiative of “African-American youth” it wasn’t because they were acting upon their true feelings.
And pray; someone tell me why in the name of blue skies and bright sunny days Jews would flock en masse to a political construct that openly woos Moslems committed to the extermination of the Jewish nation? A political party, which welcomes with open arms scum who allegedly marry their siblings, incite and support hatred and death to Israel, and those who call for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) of the Jewish nation during live congressional sessions. A political party that financially underwrites candidates who embrace and call for the death of Israel and insist the Nation of Israel be handed over to Palestinian usurpers.
What kind of elixir has been slipped into the beverages of these two groups that makes want to participate with those sworn to subjugate them? Think about it: these people are witnessed yapping around the clock that evil conservatives and Christians are plotting the genocide of the descendants of slaves as they also like to be known. They Protestants to law enforcement to taxi drivers – everyone is out to get them. But, these women go to the “devils” and pay them kill their children. That’s as close as selling ice to an Eskimo living on an iceberg as it gets.
Another thing with these feral marauders; they never extol the truly virtuous of those they subjugate. They encourage the building of monuments and painting images of street trash like George Floyd, on bombed out buildings. But they curse Justice Clarence Thomas.
The churches they attend are more conducive to a “black mass” than the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. Democrats are shameless and willing to defile family, church and school ad nauseum.
This is the political party making a mockery of justice with the Jan. 6 hearings. Said are not about justice, they’re about terrorizing the public into grudging compliance and mandated subjugation.
If the serpent in the Garden of Eden belonged to a political party it would the Democrats. They censor truth and fact, destroy the family, promote debauchery and encourage disease-causing behavior.
Imagine a political party that is undeniably guilty of the disruption, anarchy and deconstruction of the greatest nation in the world. And like Carter and Obama before him Biden is will willing to destroy the economy and standard of living for hundreds of millions of Americans to promote programs that do not work and for which we have no need.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here