Why I Went To Washington by Robert Socha

I am embarking tonight, January 5, 2021, on one of the last vestiges of peaceful protest available to the People. I am boarding a bus at about 7 PM and trekking our nation’s capital to redress a contested election grievance. By the time this piece is published, God willing, I shall have returned to my home.
My voice matters. All of our voices do. I endeavor to participate in a show of solidarity with our President and the rule of law. I make it known that we, the people, have tolerated this government’s extra-constitutional activities long enough. We have excused their largess and gross misappropriation of funds. We have turned a blind eye to their intoxicated revelry in virtue-signaling through the passing of bills that have no foundation in our country’s guiding document.
We have learned that our voting system is compromised. How long these egregious usurpations of our vote have been ongoing is unknown. Still, I have a feeling that it has been the epicenter of multi-decade public servants prevailing every two or six years. We are witnessing the most extraordinary power the world has ever known devolve toward banana republic cronyism.
Therefore, I stand in the face of this tyrannical takeover and speak to our elected servants that we will tolerate their subterfuge no longer. Their orgiastic spending sprees, this last one a classic example, are anathema to our country’s charter and must be stopped.
Benjamin Franklin warned that our country would collapse into a despotic government because the people shall have become so corrupt they would be incapable of ruling themselves. I can see how this generation could fulfill his prophetic statement. I also believe a majority of us American’s, who treasure the art of self-rule, are willing to stand in defense of her values. It is with this hope that I exercise my rights on freedom’s train.
The people who want to submit to absolute power are beyond my comprehension when the cornerstone of their comfort and success is Liberty, the freedom to be personally responsible for the life you live, for good or ill. That finely tuned masterpiece necessary for our continued success has been misfiring for quite some time, so I travel to D.C. in hopes of performing some much-needed maintenance that will have her running smoothly again.
I lift my voice and remind my elected servants their place is not to govern for emoluments or accolades but righteously for our posterity’s sake.
I stand with 75 million Americans who question the early morning Biden surge.
I stand in agreement with our President, who values justice and wants to ensure the truth prevails in this election’s outcome. This gathering is more than simply determining who will occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the next four years; it is about our constitutional republic’s enduring. It is about the rule of law, truth, and justice. It is about people yearning to be free!
I stand in solidarity with my fellow American’s who don’t believe the government’s mandates (lockdowns, masks, distancing, vaccines) were necessary these past ten months to overcome a virus that has proved to be nothing more than a new strain of preexisting conditions.
I stand confident that this government of the people shall endure without the necessary shedding of the “blood of patriots and tyrants” should they listen and allow truth to prevail.
I hope to join millions of people in this endeavor. May God bless us and watch over us in it.
About the Author
Robert Socha
Robert Socha, BIO Robert Socha (so-ha), was born in southern California. He served 5 years 3 months active duty in the United States Air Force; honorably. After his service he took an Associate’s Degree in Practical Theology, where, through his studies, developed a deep love of God and Country and sincere appreciation of the value of Liberty. Robert and his beloved wife of 21-plus years are raising 4 beautiful Texan children. They moved to Hillsdale, Michigan, in 2013, to put their children in Hillsdale Academy. Robert is a sales professional. He and his wife consider Michigan a hidden gem, and absolutely love this city and state (current political environment notwithstanding) they’ve adopted.