Why Must Christians Change To Accommodate Sinful Behavior?

Abortion is not an act of family planning nor is it women’s health and it doggone sure isn’t a “choice” for the baby. Homosexuality is not normal and it isn’t natural. It is a sexual perversion that can be attributed many times to external influences including child molestation. So-called same-sex marriage is not an act of uniting two persons in love in the bond of blissful matrimony, it is the redefining of marriage and it is the abrogation of the biblical family.
It matters not one iota if perverted activist groups argue to the contrary. They are wrong and that’s all there is to it. As Christians, our authority are the scriptures and we shouldn’t care that we may be called names, mocked or accused of being insensitive or unkind.
Refusing to embrace perverse lifestyle choices and baby-killing is not synonymous with hating the persons participating in both. It means that we as Christians still have a lot of work to do.
Which brings me to the question that I have asked even before I became a “born-again Christian” and eventually an ordained minister. My question is why do pernicious Erebusic activist groups that advocate perversion, politicians in all political parties, the mainstream media and the government school system expect and demand I change my opinions?
Why is it that as a “born-again Christian” I am demanded under penalty of law to turn away from the spiritual teachings I embrace? Why are the government education centers more committed to forcibly inculcating malleable young minds that the things I mentioned in my opening paragraph are good?
Even more of a ruminative perplexity is the why, as a Christian I am expected to rebuke the teachings of my church which have existed for millennia to participate in perverse and harmful behavioral acts that carry harsh emotional and physical consequences.
In government education systems children from kindergarten are taught carefully constructed phrases that have no focus on personal responsibility. They are indoctrinated with the most perverse and debilitating forms “negative capability,” all of which are intended to make them accepting of that which God abhors.
I am a Christian who believes my family and I should adhere to the teachings of the Holy Bible. When did it become intolerant to adhere to biblical teachings? Why is there such raw hatred and demonstrations against public figures that subscribe to a biblical system of beliefs?
Why are young people encouraged to embrace philosophies that have nothing to true Christianity?
Which leads me to ask the following questions one more time. “Why are Christians sending their children to government systems of psychological impairment?” Where is the equipoise in such a construct?
At what point do Christians begin to understand that sending their children to public schools is no different than the schools Hitler, Mao, and Stalin ordered children to attend. And I might add they are designed to achieve the same outcomes.
Our children are not being educated – they are being brainwashed and indoctrinated. They are not being taught to love America and to applaud the good the world enjoys because of America.
We witness multiple incidents virtually every week of prejudice and bigotry against Christian children and/or children who come from homes not supportive of abortion, homosexuality and the redefining of marriage, etc.
Why is my family expected to change our system of faith and belief to except that which God Almighty clearly finds objectionable?
Freedom of religion doesn’t end at the door marked exit in the church. Freedom of expression isn’t the exclusive domain of perversion and debauchery. Which brings me to another observation. At the rate political correctness and speech control are advancing in public schools, how long before it is an infraction to say “God bless you” when someone sneezes?
I ask true Christian, at what point does the bible tell us that we need not be obedient to the word of God? How have Christian families and the Christian church been strengthened by immersing our children into the ways of the secular world?
How much more proof will it take for Christian families to realize that the government school system is irreparably broken and the craftsmen sent to repair it, are attempting to do so, by employing an even more extreme program of repair than the one that initially broke it?
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here