Without A President Trump Republicans Will Find Way To Help Betray Israel

Politics is a legal racket, in which participation is strictly limited. The participants owe their membership to the dark overlords from their respective political parties and owe their financial sponsorship oftentimes to faceless entities from varying special/social interest groups and wraith-like individuals.
Governorship, i.e., ownership of the Democrat Party is openly demonic even if it’s for the most part concealed. Governorship or ownership of the Republican Party is no less Erebusic than that of the Democrats; until President Trump, they just did a better job of concealing it.
I don’t care if people agree with me or not. The proofs of my unapologetic indictments are irrefutable based upon their own merit. The voters are the suckers in this global con game.
I’ve said it before; the Democrat party in my opinion is the spawn of Satan; but the Republican Party that I’ve spent my life supporting is worst, because we expect nothing from the Democrats and they never fail to deliver. But, based upon historical fact, we’ve always expected more from Republicans, even before they were a Party as such.
My conservative bona fides speak for themselves. It’s a shell game and I’m sick of it. Not only that, but I further submit, that the Republican Party has actively engaged in distracting people from the truth – a feat, which has netted the military-industrial complex unfathomable riches for the hidden faces that own the Republican Party.
Republicans aren’t as weak and feckless as they appear at first blush. That appearance is a game of skill that keeps their cash registers running. The Republican Party uses said scam to con donors out of massive donations.
I’ve argued since 2008 that Republicans use being in the minority political position as an endless fundraising cash cow. They’ve learned how to milk every ounce out of pretending to oppose unpopular and unwanted legislation, e.g., obamacare. I was on the frontline of the battles against obamacare and I can tell you they broke their every promise to end obamacare.
Many people reading this article were to young to remember, for 10 years or more after President Reagan’s term in office, elapids such John Boehner ran for office claiming to be “Reagan Republicans,” when in fact they were the antithesis to everything President Reagan represented.
I was one of the frontline supporters on Capitol Hill responsible for getting Chief Justice John Roberts seated. A role, I curse still today. Roberts, just as Boehner at al did, has betrayed conservative and Christian trust at every turn.
When the military-industrial complex wanted George W. Bush in office they rallied even liberal mega-law firms to come to their aid in the dispute of the 2000 presidential election. The election battle was ultimately settled by a 5-4 vote of the Supreme Court of the United States. Al Gore didn’t concede the election until December 13, 2000.
The contested battles and disputed outcomes occurred in 2004, 2008 and the elections following with John Kerry disputing the election outcome in 2004 and the late John McClain and Hillary Clinton disputing the elections thereafter. But, somehow President Trump disputing the election is viewed as improper; which brings me to my final point.
The savaging of President Trump would end in a blink if the Republican Party ownership wanted him as they did George Bush. But, they don’t want him back in office because he threatens their greed.
There were no wars under President Trump. President Trump clamped down on the graft, the backdoor hidden foreign political donations and money-laundering to mention but a few. He was and is a threat to the massive amounts of cash and mineral resources these hidden controllers will amass through various climate initiatives. Greta Thunberg may comport herself as the twin sister of the exorcist character minus the pea soup, but both she and her parents are multi-millionaires specifically because of her crazed histrionics. Just think how much the faceless entities pushing this form of extremism stand to rake in.
As the saying goes this isn’t my first rodeo. I well remember the election being stolen from Richard Nixon. I remember how out of touch George H. W. Bush was. I remember how Karl Rove led the betrayal of We the People until the deck was arranged so that Jeb Bush could run. Thank goodness he was never elected.
I receive communications daily from RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, as if I’m supposed to forget or ignore her treachery and threats to disqualify candidates if they attended a Christian event in Iowa. I’m not willing to buy the kiss and make-up line because she backed down from her threat.
I remember how Bush lied and covered up his wife’s pro-abortion and pro-homosexual marriage. I remember Mitch McConnell threatening to blacklist the number one fundraising group for the Republican Party if they raised money for Tea Party candidates. I remember the Republican Party supported the Democrat candidate rather than support the Tea Party candidate in New Jersey. I remember Rove’s on-air meltdown and threats to withhold campaign money when Tea-Party candidate Christine O’Donnell defeated liberal Republican Mike Castle in Delaware. I remember the treachery against my late friend Herman Cain. Pat Toomey was a horrible choice for conservatives, but the late Arlen Specter was worst on steroids compared to Toomey. But, in 2004, George Bush, himself campaigned for Specter over Toomey.
Mark my words; I’m convinced without question; if President Trump isn’t re-elected, Republicans will find a way to side in Obama/Biden’s betrayal of Israel.
I’m tired of pretending that the Republican Party doesn’t stink. I am not just a conservative; more importantly, I’m a born-again Christian. The future is written and God’s Word is His oath.
If President Trump were like those trying to destroy him, they wouldn’t be trying to destroy him. Bush owned a professional baseball team, but took our money as a salary. President Trump donated his entire Presidential salary, even though he was losing money while in office.
I’m not afraid to lose in order to win, because for true Christians there is no losing. The enemy of our souls is defeated and his fate is sealed. All he can do is lead people astray and cause them to make decisions they may live to regret.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here