I recall writing about the black congressman who said, “a lot what we do in Congress isn’t Constitutional.”
Continue readingThe following is a resolution I am asking my fellow city councilmen and women to adopt in defiance of
Continue readingLast week someone named Josh Colletta took it upon himself to attempt to bully and shame Robert Socha,
Continue readingAmerica is under judgment and doomed; and no amount of effort to elect a candidate(s) and/or repeal whatever
Continue readingThe Huffington Post quoted me (1). The quote came from a published reply in the Hillsdale Daily News(2)
Continue readingWhoop-dee-do!! Nikki Haley is the latest to abandon, read: backstab and betray President Trump and We
Continue readingWhen a white liberal anti-law enforcement, anti-propriety neo-Leninist who eschews modernity tells you
Continue readingBlack Lives Matter. Black Panthers. Black Entertainment Television. Black Power. Black Church (the most
Continue readingThere are two portions of scripture that the majority of churches today cannot reconcile with God. They
Continue readingThe enemy of our souls is a crafty liar whose singular purpose in existence is to lead people astray;
Continue readingDo we value Liberty? Do we even understand what Liberty is? Have material pleasures numbed our senses
Continue readingIf Joe Biden can call himself the legitimate President of the United States, then I guess this NJ housewife
Continue readingYou're on the verge of being deceived by Republicans yet again, just as they've done to We the People
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