Democrats were like a cancerous mutation of skin rot even when they were almost palatable. Today they’ve
Continue readingDear Mayor Lightfoot: I remember our first summer in Michigan, in 2013, we took a day trip and spent
Continue readingThere was a time in recent history that stupid ideas were clearly defined and identifiable. But alas,
Continue readingAn office conversation took an interesting turn last week, providing fodder for the flames of liberty
Continue readingTwitter has redefined the meaning of "hateful conduct" by becoming the arbiters of acceptable speech.
Continue readingWhat is it that would draw people to admire an insane homicidal seditionist like Karl Marx? What would
Continue readingYesterday morning I awakened to learn my dear friend, Herman Cain, whose love for and service
Continue readingIn the summer of 2019, I took our four children for a treat to ice cream at one of the local favorites,
Continue readingBefore beginning this piece, I will quote Psalm 2:1-4 and suggest you keep these verses in mind as you
Continue readingSomething happened to me on Sunday, May 10, 2020, which has shocked me to the core. The more I think
Continue readingOn July 4th, 2014, I was the keynote speaker at an event held on the Gettysburg Battlefield, in Gettysburg,
Continue readingBlack Lives Matter is a damnable lie on every quantifiable level. If black lives mattered the organizers
Continue readingWhenever liberals, specifically white Fabian Democratic Socialists and white cultural Marxists, have
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