Biblical atheism is successfully destroying Christians.
Continue reading"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and
Continue reading Let me start first with the most important words in the
Continue reading The government that is supposed to be for the people and
Continue readingI predict the American people are on the verge of making a mistake that will result in the dust and ashes
Continue readingPopular culture is targeting our children like never before. Unfortunately, most of us simply throw our
Continue reading Obama and Smollett are disgusting phonies now caught in
Continue readingArt Moore, writing for wrote a recent column titled: Prosecutor: Bible passage ‘no longer appropriate
Continue reading Biden, Pelosi, Obama, and the others have two choices
Continue readingIt's not enough to say we believe in God; the devil knows God exists on a personal level and he won't
Continue readingUnlike some, I wasn’t offended when Biden said: “If you have a problem figuring out if you’re for
Continue readingThose who subscribe to my website are familiar with my weekly video called “The Video
Continue readingWhat reasons; what explanation can be given for the citizenry and leadership of the greatest country
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