Granted, Letitia James (Attorney General of New York), Fani Willis (District Attorney Fulton County Georgia),
Continue readingI have been curious about the advent of AI in our daily lives and its accessibility, so I conducted a
Continue readingThe ruling elites, the lapdog media and those who suffer from a menticide that persuades them gullibility
Continue readingNeo-Leninists have corrupted what originally was not an idea without merit, even though I would argue
Continue readingLet's take a quick trip back in my "way-back machine:" It’s Black History Month, and the theme
Continue reading Wokeism is being identified as the new religion of the
Continue readingThe headline on the front page of a local newspaper proclaimed in bold letters: “We Can’t Forget,”
Continue readingToday is the federal holiday commemorating the birthday of late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Permit me
Continue readingIt is a well known fact that I hold the Obamas in the lowest of esteem. That said, I thought I would
Continue readingIf the Obama woman spoke nonstop without interruption every day – all day until the end of her life;
Continue readingRabid black Marxists/Communists, class warfare, racialism, black bigotry, blackdom-mongering, and both
Continue readingJust how many elephants and tigers are there roaming the forest and flat lands of America? The short
Continue reading "Bathhouse Barry Obama's" self-confessed sodomistic sexual
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