America is under Marxist control. They just haven't been
Continue readingSaturday morning two friends and I were having conversation about certain court cases involving guns
Continue reading San Francisco is preparing to give so-called African-Americans
Continue readingThe headline on the front page of a local newspaper proclaimed in bold letters: “We Can’t Forget,”
Continue readingThe following is written by my friend and colleague Rich Kozlovich. He is publisher of the blog Paradigms
Continue reading The government that is supposed to be for the people and
Continue readingI predict the American people are on the verge of making a mistake that will result in the dust and ashes
Continue readingI wrote the following syndicated op-ed October 3, 2016. I share it again do to an unexpected health
Continue reading Obama and Smollett are disgusting phonies now caught in
Continue readingArt Moore, writing for wrote a recent column titled: Prosecutor: Bible passage ‘no longer appropriate
Continue reading How can super rich women like the Obama woman and Oprah
Continue readingIt has been said: “When presidents leave office they should also leave the country, less they haunt
Continue readingUnlike some, I wasn’t offended when Biden said: “If you have a problem figuring out if you’re for
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