A Long And Winding Path – Sunday Thought For The Day
WRITTEN BY DAVID H. ROPER (For: Our Daily Bread; 4/29/12) Sometimes the path of life seems impossibly
Continue readingWRITTEN BY DAVID H. ROPER (For: Our Daily Bread; 4/29/12) Sometimes the path of life seems impossibly
Continue readingThe following consists of excerpts from my remarks made at the Judicial Nomination Process Press Conference
Continue readingCan you imagine the wife of the CEO of Exxon Mobil rolling around and gyrating up and down on the floor
Continue readingIn an August of 2011 column, Nero In The White House, I wrote: "Mr. Nixon and Clinton lied to save their
Continue readingI have some questions we should be demanding answers to from Obama--not many, just a couple. His answers
Continue readingThe other Saturday evening Eric Michael Dyson sat down with boxing champion Floyd Mayweather. Let me
Continue readingTODAY'S DEVOTION IS WRITTEN BY CINDY HESS KASPER (FOR: Our Daily Bread; 4/22/12) I studied the map as
Continue readingI wrote the following syndicated column June 15, 2010. I repost it here, to ask if Obama has done anything
Continue readingObama and Sharpton are trying to boost Obama's blackness quotient. Evidently they feel his mac-daddy,
Continue readingThe Obamas have no shame, no class, but they are not lacking when it comes to moral turpitude. And nothing
Continue readingBy now you've no doubt heard and/or seen how Fox News's in-house Democrat strategist Bob Beckel had an
Continue readingOn February 26, 2012, Mr. George Zimmerman – identified as a white-Hispanic – shot and killed Trayvon
Continue readingWRITTEN BY: JULIE ACKERMAN LINK FOR OUR DAILY BREAD (4/15/12) When my ophthalmologist says, “Be still,”
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