Why is it necessary to brag about being a deviant? Announcing
Continue readingLet me be clear in my appraisal regarding how the 2024 presidential election campaign plays out: Republican
Continue readingWhere do the rare earth minerals come from to manufacture the lithium-ion batteries that power everything
Continue reading It's time for Christendom to wake up and stop using the
Continue readingSuffice it to say there exists within the population of those who boast of their ancestral heritage as
Continue readingThe phrase "All men are created equal" has historically pertained to equal rights under the law, especially
Continue reading How would the absence of white people help blacks? If no
Continue readingThe fixation upon the mythical and corrosive idiocy that reduces human beings to crayon colors remains
Continue readingThe sham continues. This latest dystopian indictment of President Donald Trump is a horrific attack on
Continue reading My wife and I went to see Jason Aldean. It was an absolutely
Continue readingThere are none more stenotopic when it comes to the pursuit of rejecting modernity from cradle to grave,
Continue readingThe miraculously conceived separation of powers enabled these United States to endure, at least in name,
Continue readingSix shooting deaths and at least twenty plus others were shot in Chicago this past weekend alone.
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